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Mar 29, 2008
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About My Library
Short story collections, classic literature, poetry, and art books are my most treasured books. I have some well-worn mystery books ~ I tend to pick old favorites and reread them from time to time. I have some favorite children's books that I like to revisit. History books have a place on my shelf, and I have a good collection of art books. Most of my art books are on favorite painters or periods of art. A few are graphic-arts tutorials. I have included old favorites and books that meant a lot to me, even if I haven't read them in many years. If I have misplaced the book (or failed to find my ancient catalog number by searching LT), I've selected the closest match based on the cover that I remember ~ I'll update these manually as I find time...
About Me
Art, poetry, classic literature, and light mystery are my favorite reading material. I also enjoy history, humor, and local color. I can't pass up a used-book sale, so my bookshelf is bulging at the seams. I'm always excited to find a new book of short stories. I love my art books, and have spent hours studying the images. I favor painting over sculpture, and sculpture over installations. Performance art is less favored. I have to admit a weakness for frivolous mystery and detective stories, of the tea-and-crumpets variety. Should the body in the clothespress show signs of life beyond the grave, the old-fashioned ghost story is welcome upon my shelf.
North Georgia
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