Reformation Era: History and Literature

This group is an extension of a rather ambitious personal reading goal. I hope to read about the Reformation Era in England and Europe, focusing especially on the 1500's but also including the 1600’s. I want to read the literature of the Era, mostly in chronological order, mixing in history and biography as needed. I don't have too much reading time available, so I'm anticipating this will be a "slow burn" for quite a while.

Read along with me, or just pop in from time to time. Ask questions, if you wish. That's what I plan to do. A list of some of the books I hope to read will be given in the first post.

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Anyone reading about reformations? Machiavelli, next year’s study1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, Yesterday 10:25pm
Reading about Reformations? Renaissance vs. Reformation?1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, October 8
The Tyndale New Testament (1526)1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, September 23
3 Unfortunate Ideas of Luther in “The Bondage of the Will”1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, September 21
List of Books24 unread / 24geoffreymeadows, September 13
A History of Tudor History, Eamon Duffy lecture, 20151 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, August 18
Notes on “Bondage of the Will” Editions1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, July 27
Translations of “On the Jews and Their Lies”1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, July 5
The Freedom of the Will Controversy1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, July 2
My Machiavelli and Florentine Republic Year, 20241 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, June 15
Counter Reformation books1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, June 15
On the General Shallowness1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, May 22
Luther’s “The Freedom of a Christian”1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, May 13
A Multi-Year Outline1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, May 2
My Erasmus and Luther Year, 20231 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, April 30
Grace and Faith in Luther1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, April 24
Erasmus according to Huizinga1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, March 26
Luther’s “To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation”1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, March 2
Erasmus and Luther II1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, February 21
Erasmus and Luther1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, February 20
English words coined in the Reformation Era1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, February 12
Slowing down for Erasmus II2 unread / 2AnnieMod, February 4
Slowing Down for Erasmus1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, January 18
The Persecuting Society1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, November 2022
Jesuit spirituality1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, November 2022
Why Read The Jesuits: A History by Markus Friedrich?1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, October 2022
MacCulloch’s book a definite improvement3 unread / 3geoffreymeadows, June 2022
Diet of Augsburg, 15301 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, March 2022
The Spirituali and MacCulloch’s book1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, December 2021
Wolf Hall and fiction vs. history4 unread / 4AnnieMod, December 2021
Two “Five Books” book lists1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, November 2021
Michael Massing’s Fatal Discord1 unread / 1geoffreymeadows, November 2021
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