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Nov 23, 2006
Real Name
Polly Ross-Tyrrell
About My Library
The books in my catalogue are virtually all books that I own because I like and/or use them. I hang onto textbooks after the course ends only if I'm interested in the subject and it was a decent book, and I buy books only if I like them and think I'll want to read them again. So if you like a lot of the books that are in my catalogue, why don't you drop me a line, because chances are that we'd get along.
About Me
I'm a children's librarian and insanely avid reader. I have four cats, and almost as many hats and records as books (well, okay, I don't have THAT many hats), and read almost anything that isn't badly written, especially adult genre fiction (mystery, historical fiction, fantasy/sci-fi), children's/YA fantasy, graphic novels, biographies, history, whatever.
Toronto , ON Canada
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