Pedants' corner

The place for LT members who keep a piece of chalk in their handbags for correcting badly punctuated restaurant chalkboard menus. For members who would rather leave off their underwear than leave out an apostrophe. If you swear in court on a copy of Eats, Shoots and Leaves, this is the place for you.

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Recent Transgressions #3180 unread / 180MarthaJeanne, September 22
Reoccurence or Recurrence?8 unread / 8frje, February 17
Bojangles, Bojangle's, Bojangles', or Bojangles’s?6 unread / 6lilithcat, January 9
Grammar Table8 unread / 8andyl, January 2022
A Pedant's Christmas Carol6 unread / 6Taphophile13, December 2021
Sneak Peak: New Stats6 unread / 6bluepiano, June 2021
A question of grammar for LT10 unread / 10spiralsheep, June 2021
The founder of the Apostrophe Protection Society has died2 unread / 2spiralsheep, April 2021
Recent Transgressions #2199 unread / 199thorold, November 2020
Unmatched!3 unread / 3rocketjk, November 2020
Pedant's game3 unread / 3MarthaJeanne, July 2020
Moses and the comma.1 unread / 1Suspected.Spam, July 2020
On the confused and confusing idiotic use of "they" as a singular pronoun7 unread / 7proximity1, June 2020
Current BBC "English"4 unread / 4reading_fox, June 2020
The Scientific Case for Two Spaces After a Period6 unread / 6proximity1, June 2020
Royals .. ..12 unread / 12Novak, February 2020
A pedant in Parliament8 unread / 8dtw42, August 2019
Operating manuals for illiterates18 unread / 182wonderY, July 2019
What happened to this group?50 unread / 50shikari, July 2019
Free webinar... The Oxford English Dictionary and historical text collections: Discovering new words1 unread / 1Crypto-Willobie, June 2019
Recent Transgressions232 unread / 232lilithcat, January 2019
Could someone help with Tag Canonization?12 unread / 12krazy4katz, December 2018
Shibbonymics?1 unread / 1Crypto-Willobie, August 2018
Dashes and hyphens (even angled and swung)5 unread / 5dtw42, July 2018
How is this possible?8 unread / 8.Monkey., February 2018
"A Grammatical Mea Culpa"3 unread / 3JerryMmm, February 2018
Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell, Reimagined for Linguistic Transgressions5 unread / 5krazy4katz, November 2017
Who needs help?2 unread / 2Marissa_Doyle, October 2017
EU English "Dictionary"7 unread / 7AnnaClaire, October 2017
When does buzzword avoidance become dumbing down?21 unread / 21thorold, September 2017
how about this one10 unread / 10thorold, April 2017
On the importance of the Oxford comma:3 unread / 3Noisy, March 2017
CHRISTMAS1 unread / 1justmum, December 2016
Its only 7:15 a.m.40 unread / 40Collectorator, September 2016
Words that ought to exist (but don't - yet)36 unread / 36bluepiano, August 2016
But - - I didn't write what I do.3 unread / 3LolaWalser, February 2016
At least12 unread / 122wonderY, August 2015
The Thinking Thing52 unread / 52Noisy, August 2015
Would you want this group to be your publisher?9 unread / 9Muscogulus, August 2015
Sublime erroneousness3 unread / 3CliffordDorset, July 2015
I'm so "Prideful" and "Transparity"21 unread / 21varielle, July 2015
NASA-SPEAK. A whole new language.75 unread / 75jjwilson61, July 2015
Why spelling matters!11 unread / 11thorold, July 2015
Terrible fates6 unread / 6abbottthomas, June 2015
"The world today is neither"7 unread / 7Muscogulus, May 2015
Tense about tenses3 unread / 3PossMan, April 2015
Touchstones7 unread / 7reading_fox, February 2015
Pet peeves lll - The amalgamation.378 unread / 378ScarletBea, February 2015
Christmas ghosts6 unread / 6EricJT, January 2015
Smart Alec answers to daft questions34 unread / 34thorold, January 2015
Quotation marks5 unread / 5dtw42, January 2015
Am I being too pedantic?59 unread / 59darrow, January 2015
Garden path sentences4 unread / 4darrow, December 2014
It's that apostrophe again124 unread / 124rocketjk, December 2014
A feast for pedants both grammarians and typesetters.57 unread / 57Studedoo, November 2014
There is a sense in which6 unread / 6Jonny-Hoochie-Pants, November 2014
A certain use of the comma70 unread / 70Novak, November 2014
Woe is me13 unread / 13rocketjk, October 2014
Inflammatory language31 unread / 31CliffordDorset, October 2014
Are dress and frock synonyms in UK?35 unread / 35Novak, October 2014
Annoying North American words216 unread / 216PossMan, September 2014
The Pedants' Revolution7 unread / 7darrow, September 2014
Hmmm... / Oh Yeah?2 unread / 2thorold, September 2014
When does strongest not mean strongest?8 unread / 8housefulofpaper, September 2014
How to become uncurious2 unread / 2CliffordDorset, September 2014
"This" is now plural apparently!8 unread / 8bluepiano, September 2014
Are you puzzled pedants?31 unread / 31dtw42, September 2014
"Film's Richard Attenborough has died"5 unread / 5Oandthegang, September 2014
Poisonous or venomous?15 unread / 15barney67, September 2014
The death of 'fewer'26 unread / 26thorold, September 2014
We're Through !26 unread / 26white-van-man, September 2014
Bad Dream Leads Florida Man to Allegedly Beat His Girlfriend28 unread / 28PhaedraB, August 2014
It's "drivel," not "dribble."24 unread / 24SimonW11, August 2014
info16 unread / 16darrow, August 2014
Flooring the Groundless26 unread / 26krazy4katz, July 2014
Group Theme Song!5 unread / 5darrow, July 2014
What do you think of this article?12 unread / 12EricJT, July 2014
Without Fail.14 unread / 14thorold, June 2014
Pronunciation225 unread / 225Muscogulus, June 2014
Bashful?11 unread / 11Novak, June 2014
You was there.. ..60 unread / 60BoMag, June 2014
The Ground Floor21 unread / 21thorold, June 2014
A certain plan6 unread / 6rocketjk, May 2014
Confessions of a recovering pedant8 unread / 8thorold, May 2014
Literally a Bombshell50 unread / 50krazy4katz, April 2014
Definite and indefinite articles to be abolished7 unread / 7thorold, April 2014
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.19 unread / 19JerryMmm, March 2014
Calibrating Nonsense8 unread / 8CliffordDorset, March 2014
"Impact" as a verb76 unread / 76CliffordDorset, March 2014
On postmodernspeak3 unread / 3thorold, February 2014
'For' Preposition and Conjunction7 unread / 7CliffordDorset, February 2014
Create your own neoliogisms27 unread / 27jjwilson61, February 2014
Word or phrase usage2 unread / 2thorold, February 2014
The pointless use of the ast*r**sk!69 unread / 69Booksloth, February 2014
We usen't to say we didn't use to5 unread / 5suitable1, January 2014
Teach Pedantry!40 unread / 40Novak, January 2014
News to me...7 unread / 7jbbarret, January 2014
Excessive use of "porn"17 unread / 17AsYouKnow_Bob, January 2014
off of13 unread / 13matthewmason, January 2014
I'd subscribe!4 unread / 4Novak, December 2013
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