
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Mar 15, 2011
About Me
My love affair with books started with the truly weird and wonderful children’s books my Mom and her sister bought my brother and me. They seemed to compete to buy the most bizarre books available, and looking at them now, I wonder if those writers and illustrators were on drugs.

I have been addicted to books and libraries ever since. I recently bought an eReader, and am addicted to eBooks now, too. My TBR pile is overwhelmingly large, but at least I have something for whatever mood I'm in.

I will read almost anything fiction. I love fantasy, because I love what author's minds come up with. My feeble brain can't even comprehend coming up with the things they do, but I happily inhale books as fast as I can. Coffee, a good book, and a lap cat, and life is good!!

- Marcieo
Seattle, WA
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