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Jul 26, 2010
About My Library
Work in progress since I have hundreds of physical books and probably close to a thousand ebooks. And also I haven't read fair few of them yet.

.5 Worst drivel ever written - I'm offended by its very existence
1 Won't ever read again - dreadful or not my kind of book
2 Unlikely to ever read again
3 Readable
4 Like
5 Love

If I get something wrong please let me know. :)
About Me
I don't have much time for fiction these days. I only like a few books from most authors although there are definitely exceptions.

As a socialist (Revolutionary Marxist in the International Socialist Tradition) I read mostly socialist/left wing books. I also have a collection of I.T. books that were mostly given to me, and various miscellany of other subjects.

Just because I own a book doesn't mean I like it - I love moseying round garage sales, book festivals, second-hand book shops and online sales and if a book is cheap and sounds interesting I'll often take a punt.
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