
About My Library
My library includes books I've read, liked, disliked, books I own and/or plan to read, and books I'm considering (advice welcome on the latter). I also added a tag for books I tried hard to love but just didn't have it in me. Maybe I'll return to those someday.

Books not included in my library are those I'm not familiar with, haven't considered, have yet to be recommended or those I'm just not interested in.
About Me
I am an avid reader and aspiring writer (as in - I am aspiring to actually write something). I've been gobbling up books for as long as I can remember, studied literature and creative writing in college, and ended up with a career in book publishing.

My favorite genres have mainly been literary fiction, mystery/suspense, and children's/YA fiction, but I've recently discovered a hidden passion for narrative non-fiction and travel writing, so I'm more often finding myself moving fiction to the back burner. I'm also interested in serious/literary sci-fi (a la Ursula K.) and welcome any suggestions, as I'd like to explore the genre more.

I won't see a movie until I've read the book, and I do my damndest not to quit a book even if I'm not enjoying it.... But as my reading agenda grows more unmanageable, I'm trying hard to adopt a new policy: not to waste another second on a book I'm not enjoying! We'll see.

I DON'T do: romance, chick lit (though Anna Maxted is an exception), or much commercial fiction.
New York City
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