8 messages this week
Cookbook collectors
9 messages this week
Tea drinkers everywhere, unite!
For book-loving ailurophiles and cat-loving bibliophiles.
A group for the discussion of books that are desirable and of interest to collectors. We like all subjects related to book collecting, including …
"Satan to newcomer, with discontent: 'The trouble with you Chicago people is that you think you are the best in Hell -- whereas you are merely the …
5 messages this week
A place for book-aholics from across Canada to talk about book related topics.
8 messages this week
Radio 3 is known as the BBC’s classical music station, but that description sells it short. It provides just over 2 million people with programming …
A group for everyone who connects with Australia (residents, expats, lovers of Australian literature) and who are part of the LibraryThing collective.
If you love cheese, and reading, and eating cheese while reading, come talk cheese with us!! And tell us what cheeses you like with what books! Lively …
3 messages this week
For those of us in the second half of our first centuries.
For those who create as well as consume. A group to share thoughts and books from a writer's perspective.
For BookMooch members: a purely informal group on using BookMooch, or meeting up with LTers who Mooch books, and Moochers who LibraryThing. (Image …
Welcome to what we think (humbly of course) is one of the best groups on LibraryThing. You may not always agree with everyone here, but you will find …
For residents of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
A group for writers and/or readers who live in or hail from the Midwest or enjoy reading books based in the Midwest. Announce book publications, …