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About My Library
My library is eclectic but I do have a large concentration of history books and art books. Many are art history books. I also have quite a number of 19th century books both fiction and nonfiction. Right after college I lived around the corner from a mom and pop used book store. In the Bronx would you believe. Books were fifty cents, a dollar and so many of them were from the mid 1800s up through the 1920s. Many had gorgeous illustrations. They just don't publish books like that any more. And they don't have bookstores like that anymore. There are a few larger, more business like places like the Strand in New York or Givens in Lynchburg,Va, but even those types of shops are disappearing. Marvin Mondlin's "Book Row"is a marvelous history of the glory days of antiquarian book stores.
About Me
Why do some of us become so passionate about books, especially in this day and age. This goes beyond the love of reading. From an early age I not only loved reading but loved books.Is it genetic? My mom had a lot of books, mostly popular fiction. My sisters and dad the same.But no one else has "collected" books.
Is it cultural? Ha, that's a joke.
My niece and nephew grew up surrounded by books. They were read to from the earliest age. All the family enjoy reading. Their tv viewing was restricted. They were home schooled so I can't blame it on public education. Yet neither of them read books very often. It certainly is a puzzle.
So why do some of us have this "thing" for books?
Green Bay, Virginia
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Libraries: Charlotte County Library System - Phenix Branch, Nottoway County Public Library - Burkeville Library

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