45 messages this week
A place to play games and solve puzzles through LT talk.
10 messages this week
This is an off-topic, "foo" group for unfocused or general discussion without any necessary connection to books, authors or anything else …
Welcome to the Hogwarts Express, where Harry Potter fans of all ages gather to discuss the series and, well, just about anything else! If you're …
A discussion group devoted to the wargamer who is also a LibraryThinger. Perhaps a ping-pong table, lichen and the big decision of 15mm, 20mm, 25mm or …
This is a group for anyone interested in cryptic crosswords. It is intended as a forum for discussion of solving guides, reference works, puzzle …
Do you have toys that relate to your favorite books? Do you have book collections that relate to toys or play? Come on, we’re all still children at …