Publisher SeriesFontana

The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie 6,637 copies, 128 reviews
Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne 16,361 copies, 257 reviews
Sad Cypress by Agatha Christie 3,267 copies, 77 reviews
At War With Asia: Essays on Indochina by Noam Chomsky 152 copies, 2 reviews
The infernal grove by Malcolm Muggeridge 132 copies, 2 reviews
Beasts in My Belfry by Gerald Durrell 451 copies, 10 reviews
Black As He's Painted by Ngaio Marsh 651 copies, 7 reviews
Born Free by Joy Adamson 1,199 copies, 23 reviews
Campbell's Kingdom by Hammond Innes 215 copies, 5 reviews
Companion to the Good News New Testament by Joseph Rhymer 25 copies
Dead Water by Ngaio Marsh 715 copies, 9 reviews
Derrida by Christopher Norris 180 copies
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke 2,485 copies, 13 reviews
Gloriana by Michael Moorcock 1,091 copies, 7 reviews
Arendt by David Watson 12 copies
Berlin by John Gray 150 copies
Killer Dolphin by Ngaio Marsh 669 copies, 12 reviews
Lacan by Malcolm Bowie 93 copies, 1 review
Last Ditch by Ngaio Marsh 681 copies, 14 reviews
The Mask of Dimitrios by Eric Ambler 1,785 copies, 50 reviews
The meaning of Protestantism (Fontana books) by James H. Nichols 10 copies
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka 11,905 copies, 204 reviews
Murder in Mesopotamia by Agatha Christie 3,789 copies, 71 reviews
A Murder Is Announced by Agatha Christie 4,455 copies, 90 reviews
The Mysterious Mr. Quin by Agatha Christie 2,289 copies, 49 reviews
The Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie 4,180 copies, 76 reviews
N or M? by Agatha Christie 2,805 copies, 53 reviews
The Old Regime and the French Revolution by Alexis de Tocqueville 1,309 copies, 7 reviews
Ordeal by Innocence by Agatha Christie 2,679 copies, 55 reviews
Penguin Island by Anatole France 848 copies, 19 reviews
Poirot's Early Cases by Agatha Christie 1,518 copies, 23 reviews
Scend of the Sea by Geoffrey Jenkins 104 copies
Soft City by Jonathan Raban 206 copies
The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra 3,693 copies, 30 reviews
Tied Up in Tinsel by Ngaio Marsh 734 copies, 22 reviews
Washington Square by Henry James 4,284 copies, 87 reviews
When in Rome by Ngaio Marsh 744 copies, 12 reviews
Winnicott by Adam Phillips 106 copies, 4 reviews
Yeats by Denis Donoghue 73 copies
The Wanderer and His Shadow by Friedrich Nietzsche 101 copies, 1 review9
Lady Behave! = Lady, Beware by Peter Cheyney 33 copies, 1 review19
Destination Unknown by Agatha Christie 2,169 copies, 49 reviews22
Lord Edgware Dies by Agatha Christie 3,487 copies, 70 reviews31
Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie 3,843 copies, 80 reviews45
The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis 7,649 copies, 86 reviews49R
They Do It with Mirrors by Agatha Christie 3,246 copies, 66 reviews80
The Noose by Philip MacDonald 37 copies, 1 review89
Swing, Brother, Swing by Ngaio Marsh 695 copies, 12 reviews93
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? by Agatha Christie 2,958 copies, 65 reviews114
The Dog in the Manger by Félix Lope de Vega Carpio 177 copies, 1 review129
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare 10,960 copies, 109 reviews143
My Life: The Story of a Provincial by Anton Chekhov 192 copies, 5 reviews154
Naught for your comfort by Trevor Huddleston 125 copies, 3 reviews171R
Dangerous Curves by Peter Cheyney 58 copies, 1 review209
Evil Under the Sun by Agatha Christie 4,368 copies, 81 reviews212
Dumb Witness by Agatha Christie 3,275 copies, 72 reviews250
Death and the Dancing Footman by Ngaio Marsh 861 copies, 12 reviews259
Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie 2,591 copies, 56 reviews263
The Sundowners by Jon Cleary 76 copies, 1 review278
Crooked House by Agatha Christie 3,522 copies, 77 reviews328
Off With His Head by Ngaio Marsh 759 copies, 10 reviews329
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe by Agatha Christie 3,140 copies, 63 reviews334
The Meaning of Prayer by Harry Emerson Fosdick 361 copies, 2 reviews378R
Death in a White Tie by Ngaio Marsh 1,073 copies, 19 reviews388
A Man Lay Dead by Ngaio Marsh 1,362 copies, 50 reviews389
Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson 10,380 copies, 117 reviews412
Dead Man's Folly by Agatha Christie 2,998 copies, 51 reviews440
Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak 11,022 copies, 148 reviews485
Vintage Murder by Ngaio Marsh 869 copies, 24 reviews503
Peril at End House by Agatha Christie 3,980 copies, 70 reviews513
The Labors of Hercules by Agatha Christie 2,796 copies, 55 reviews522
Singing in the Shrouds by Ngaio Marsh 726 copies, 9 reviews675
Artists in Crime by Ngaio Marsh 1,166 copies, 32 reviews729
Jesus and the Word by Rudolf Bultmann 339 copies743R
Climate and the British scene by Gordon Manley 22 copies, 1 review758L
Death in Ecstasy by Ngaio Marsh 838 copies, 25 reviews759
False Scent by Ngaio Marsh 715 copies, 12 reviews795
The Wooden Horse by Eric Williams 407 copies, 2 reviews840
Died in the Wool by Ngaio Marsh 843 copies, 21 reviews844
Enter a Murderer by Ngaio Marsh 1,010 copies, 26 reviews845
Surfeit of Lampreys by Ngaio Marsh 938 copies, 19 reviews849
Scales of Justice by Ngaio Marsh 756 copies, 13 reviews931
Night Without End by Alistair MacLean 798 copies, 8 reviews937
Colour Scheme by Ngaio Marsh 859 copies, 21 reviews1017
Hand in Glove by Ngaio Marsh 765 copies, 6 reviews1033
The Sexual Responsibility of Woman by Maxine Davis 28 copies1052
Final Curtain by Ngaio Marsh 785 copies, 6 reviews1096
The Nursing Home Murder by Ngaio Marsh 859 copies, 27 reviews1097
Spinsters in Jeopardy by Ngaio Marsh 666 copies, 19 reviews1193
Overture to Death by Ngaio Marsh 887 copies, 25 reviews1459
4.50 from Paddington by Agatha Christie 4,422 copies, 94 reviews1511
Ghosts and Hauntings by Dennis Bardens 58 copies1610
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie 20,211 copies, 514 reviews1727
The Big Four by Agatha Christie 3,595 copies, 87 reviews1761
The High Commissioner by Jon Cleary 51 copies, 1 review1761
Ice Station Zebra by Alistair MacLean 1,375 copies, 22 reviews1838
The Daily Telegraph Sociable Cook's Book by Bon Viveur 6 copies1893
Three Act Tragedy by Agatha Christie 3,049 copies, 58 reviews1899
South by Java Head by Alistair MacLean 783 copies, 15 reviews1904
Jesus Rediscovered by Malcolm Muggeridge 458 copies, 3 reviews1939
Where Eagles Dare by Alistair MacLean 1,608 copies, 42 reviews1961
The Guns of Navarone by Alistair MacLean 1,734 copies, 40 reviews1962
After The Funeral by Agatha Christie 3,785 copies, 65 reviews2143
While Still We Live by Helen MacInnes 307 copies, 8 reviews2173
Legend of the Seventh Virgin by Victoria Holt 408 copies, 5 reviews2228
The Vivero Letter by Desmond Bagley 314 copies, 5 reviews2232
Camus by Conor Cruise O'Brien 113 copies2254L
Lévi-Strauss by Edmund Leach 311 copies, 4 reviews2255L
Guevara by Andrew Sinclair 76 copies2256L
Marcuse by Alasdair MacIntyre 152 copies, 2 reviews2257L
Endless Night by Agatha Christie 2,805 copies, 64 reviews2376
Chomsky by John Lyons 416 copies, 3 reviews2377L
Lukács by George Lichtheim 95 copies, 2 reviews2378L
McLuhan by Jonathan Miller 98 copies2428L
Wittgenstein by David Pears 299 copies, 2 reviews2429L
Freud by Richard Wollheim 165 copies, 3 reviews2436
Orwell by Raymond Williams 113 copies, 2 reviews2437
Joyce by John Gross 80 copies2438L
When Eight Bells Toll by Alistair MacLean 926 copies, 17 reviews2483
The Satan Bug by Alistair MacLean 677 copies, 13 reviews2510
The Golden Rendezvous by Alistair MacLean 733 copies, 14 reviews2561
Lenin by Robert Conquest 61 copies2616L
Mailer by Richard Poirier 26 copies2617L
Reich by Charles Rycroft 65 copies2618
The Last Frontier by Alistair MacLean 695 copies, 18 reviews2741
Birds, Beasts, and Relatives by Gerald Durrell 1,230 copies, 37 reviews2751
Running Blind by Desmond Bagley 399 copies, 6 reviews2752
The English Constitution by Walter Bagehot 504 copies, 6 reviews2758L
My Brother Jack by George Johnston 414 copies, 10 reviews2775
Gandhi by George Woodcock 49 copies2809L
Lawrence by Frank Kermode 59 copies2846L
Battle for the Environment by Tony Aldous 13 copies2892L
Weber by Donald Gunn MacRae 61 copies2906
Russell by A. J. Ayer 172 copies2965L
Popper by Bryan Magee 331 copies, 3 reviews2993L
By the Pricking of My Thumbs by Agatha Christie 3,102 copies, 50 reviews3018
A Plague of Sailors by Brian Callison 37 copies3033
The Salzburg Connection by Helen MacInnes 492 copies, 11 reviews3035
Einstein by Jeremy Bernstein 142 copies3048L
Jung by Anthony Storr 158 copies, 2 reviews3166L
Laing by Edgar Z. Friedenberg 50 copies3175
Bear Island by Alistair MacLean 991 copies, 20 reviews3186
The Peak District by K.C. Edwards 31 copies3193L
Fear is the Key by Alistair MacLean 776 copies, 9 reviews3255
Beckett by A. Alvarez 85 copies3319
Heidegger by George Steiner 389 copies, 3 reviews3324
Le Corbusier by Stephen Gardiner 52 copies3330
Kafka by Erich Heller 75 copies3333
Trotsky by Irving Howe 89 copies3353
Death in the Clouds by Agatha Christie 3,605 copies, 63 reviews3422
Pound by Donald Davie 22 copies, 1 review3433
Eliot by Stephen Spender 88 copies, 1 review3467
Caravan to Vaccares by Alistair MacLean 729 copies, 11 reviews3485
At Bertram's Hotel by Agatha Christie 3,677 copies, 80 reviews3487
Nietzsche by J. P. Stern 101 copies3536
Schoenberg by Charles Rosen 118 copies, 1 review3558
Marcel Proust by Roger Shattuck 101 copies3560
Alternative technology and the politics of technical change (Technosphere) by David Dickson 49 copies3570
The Freedom Trap by Desmond Bagley 311 copies, 2 reviews3582
Saussure by Jonathan D. Culler 189 copies3743
Gramsci by James Joll 73 copies3811
Artaud by Martin Esslin 52 copies, 1 review3831
Marx by David McLellan 195 copies, 3 reviews3833
The Way to Dusty Death by Alistair MacLean 767 copies, 12 reviews3835
Death Comes as the End by Agatha Christie 2,676 copies, 53 reviews3887
The green stick by Malcolm Muggeridge 165 copies, 2 reviews3966
Evans-Pritchard by Mary Douglas 35 copies4006
Sartre by Arthur C. Danto 79 copies, 1 review4066
Engels by David McLellan 48 copies4231
Pavlov by Jeffrey A. Gray 11 copies4304
The Golden Gate by Alistair MacLean 777 copies, 9 reviews4494
The Underground Man by Ross Macdonald 700 copies, 19 reviews4534
Klein by Hanna Segal 33 copies, 1 review4576
Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie 4,193 copies, 70 reviews4590
Circus by Alistair MacLean 859 copies, 15 reviews4889
Durkheim by Anthony Giddens 52 copies, 1 review4897
The Ambassador by Morris L. West 241 copies, 6 reviews5091
Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen R. Donaldson 6,008 copies, 83 reviews5239
The Illearth War by Stephen R. Donaldson 4,489 copies, 30 reviews5246
The Power That Preserves by Stephen R. Donaldson 4,301 copies, 26 reviews5247
The Spoilers by Desmond Bagley 246 copies, 4 reviews5268
Goodbye California by Alistair MacLean 637 copies, 7 reviews5360
Wyatt's Hurricane by Desmond Bagley 272 copies, 3 reviews5398
Seawitch by Alistair MacLean 707 copies, 7 reviews5496
Class and the corporation by Graeme Salaman 1 copy5518
Piaget by Margaret A. Boden 47 copies5537
The Snow Tiger by Desmond Bagley 263 copies, 5 reviews5684
Puppet on a Chain by Alistair MacLean 837 copies, 10 reviews5751
Barthes by Jonathan D. Culler 85 copies, 1 review5974
Foucault by J. G. Merquior 110 copies6069
The Bridge Over the River Kwai: A Novel by Pierre Boulle 1,408 copies, 21 reviews6118
The Wounded Land by Stephen R. Donaldson 3,559 copies, 15 reviews6140
Elephants Can Remember by Agatha Christie 3,629 copies, 63 reviews6264
Cards on the Table by Agatha Christie 4,156 copies, 94 reviews6281
Adorno by Martin Jay 118 copies, 1 review6287
The One Tree by Stephen R. Donaldson 3,430 copies, 10 reviews6383
All Their Kingdoms by Madeleine A. Polland 9 copies6483
River of Death by Alistair MacLean 611 copies, 12 reviews6496
Darwin by Wilma B. George 11 copies6502
Fame is the Spur by Howard Spring 108 copies6582
Windfall by Desmond Bagley 263 copies, 2 reviews6744
White Gold Wielder by Stephen R. Donaldson 3,396 copies, 13 reviews6777
Traditional Italian Food by Laura Busini-Birch 9 copies6802
San Andreas by Alistair MacLean 584 copies, 10 reviews7026
The dancing men by Duncan Kyle 54 copies7199

Other Names

English: Fontana Books


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