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0.5 hated it
1.0 didn't like it
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4.5 nearly perfect
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I can't be bothered with 1/2 stars except for 0.5 and 4.5.

About Me
I work at the BEST (and biggest) independent bookstore in the world!

Powell's recently asked its employees and customers for their three best books of the DECADE. Here are the results:


Mine were:

1. Iodine by Haven Kimmel
2. Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
3. People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks
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Bookstores: Multnomah County Library - Title Wave Used Books, Murder by the Book - Portland, OR, Periodicals Paradise, Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing, Powell's Books at PDX, Powell's Books on Hawthorne, Powell's City of Books (Portland), Robert's Book Shop

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