librarians, catalogers, archivists, students... or anyone else who wants to talk about metadata, tagging, FRBR, library 2.0, social software, …
3 messages this week
A place to discuss books on military history and related topics.
4 messages this week
Mostly about books on the environment, ecology and sustainable living. But it is also about... antiglobalization, biocentrism, biodiversity, cultural …
6 messages this week
For readers of popular (and not-so-popular) science books -- Anthropology to Zoology.
A group for those who enjoy reading books on American History -- From Discovery through the present.
A place for discussing history in general. Why do you read history? What does it mean to you? How do you approach various interpretations of the past? …
A group for programmers, software developers and those interested in computer languages. Or just those who have books on the subject.
All language lovers are welcome.