Disaster Buffs

For anyone who reads about disasters--technological, engineering and/or natural in nature--and wants to discuss both disaster books and real-world disasters.

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Books We're Reading48 unread / 48PatrickMurtha, August 5
Root Cause and Fault Tree Analysis of Catastrophes19 unread / 19tymfos, December 2020
Our current pandemic1 unread / 1varielle, November 2020
The Cocoanut Grove Fire1 unread / 1varielle, July 2020
Pandemics4 unread / 4setnahkt, April 2020
Hurricanes2 unread / 2varielle, July 2019
Volcanos9 unread / 9setnahkt, April 2018
Train Disasters2 unread / 2setnahkt, September 2017
Books about floods5 unread / 5tymfos, April 2016
St. Francis Dam Disaster2 unread / 2oregonobsessionz, April 2016
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 19065 unread / 5varielle, January 2016
I'm 48 years old, and I'm looking for a book I read when I was 147 unread / 7amysisson, September 2015
Books on Disasters79 unread / 792wonderY, September 2014
Boston Molasses Flood, 19194 unread / 42wonderY, September 2014
The Hindenburg1 unread / 1varielle, September 2014
Memorial Hospital after Hurricane Katrina2 unread / 2tymfos, November 2013
Fertilizer explosion in West, Texas4 unread / 4setnahkt, April 2013
Brazilian nightclub fire7 unread / 7varielle, March 2013
Shiny new beta feature - book lists!1 unread / 1oregonobsessionz, January 2013
BP's Gulf Oil Disaster6 unread / 6Sandydog1, February 2012
Costa Concordia disaster4 unread / 4tymfos, January 2012
Earthquakes Discussion Group3 unread / 3setnahkt, August 2011
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire5 unread / 5tymfos, July 2011
Resources for Hurricane Information7 unread / 7varielle, May 2011
I'm suprised nobody has written anything about the triple disaster in Japan2 unread / 2varielle, March 2011
Chicago stockyards fire in 19102 unread / 2oregonobsessionz, December 2010
last Titanic survivor4 unread / 4BOB81, September 2010
The General Slocum4 unread / 4oregonobsessionz, June 2010
Disaster books on Wikipedia2 unread / 2alcottacre, May 2010
Plane Crashed in the Hudson River23 unread / 23alcottacre, April 2010
Well Someone's Gotta Be First To Post16 unread / 16tymfos, November 2009
9111 unread / 1tymfos, September 2009
New to Disaster Buffs25 unread / 25tymfos, June 2009
Sludge flood17 unread / 17Karen5Lund, May 2009
New Books5 unread / 5Karen5Lund, May 2009
Hurricanes and Galveston4 unread / 4Karen5Lund, May 2009
Remembrance of the Angels19 unread / 19oregonobsessionz, May 2009
Mount Redoubt Eruption1 unread / 1debherter, March 2009
TV Shows2 unread / 2debherter, March 2009
The Survivors Club21 unread / 21lindapanzo, March 2009
"New" TV Show on Disasters1 unread / 1debherter, March 2009
Iroquois Theatre Fire of 19033 unread / 3debherter, February 2009
Local High Winds1 unread / 1debherter, February 2009
Several Recent Disasters in the News3 unread / 3DaynaRT, February 2009
Holy Name Cathedral Fire1 unread / 1debherter, February 2009
pushy Americans on the Titanic8 unread / 8oregonobsessionz, February 2009
The Survivors Club2 unread / 2debherter, January 2009
Another Resource for Disaster Books1 unread / 1debherter, January 2009
Source for titles of Disaster Books1 unread / 1debherter, January 2009
A New Disaster Book for My School3 unread / 3debherter, January 2009
Plane Crash at Denver International Airport7 unread / 7GirlFromIpanema, January 2009
Yellowstone2 unread / 2oregonobsessionz, January 2009
Book: The Greatest Disasters of the 20th Century5 unread / 5debherter, January 2009
Can you write a disaster book?5 unread / 5debherter, January 2009
Earthquake 16 July 2007near Niigata, Japan11 unread / 11oregonobsessionz, January 2009
Need a Big Favor!3 unread / 3debherter, January 2009
I-35 W Bridge Collapse to be Covered in a Nat'l Geo Documentary3 unread / 3debherter, January 2009
Deutsche Bank Fire3 unread / 3debherter, January 2009
Group Picture11 unread / 11debherter, January 2009
Christmas in Spite of Ike2 unread / 2varielle, December 2008
EMS helicopter crashes, over last year3 unread / 3varielle, December 2008
Earthquakes 21 February 2008 - Nevada and Norway(!)5 unread / 5debherter, December 2008
Hospital evacuations under disaster conditions5 unread / 5debherter, December 2008
Disasters Archive1 unread / 1debherter, December 2008
Inviting Disaster author Chiles - Author Chat Oct 1-154 unread / 4debherter, December 2008
NIST conclusion: fire caused collapse of the 47-story Building 7 at the WTC7 unread / 7debherter, December 2008
When fire threatened Yellowstone's Old Faithful Inn3 unread / 3debherter, December 2008
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