
Readers and book owners interested in Christianity, theology, the Bible, etc...

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Hope, Peace, and Justice1 unread / 1John5918, October 9
Post Benedict XVl66 unread / 66John5918, October 9
'Toxic Christianity': the evangelicals creating champions for Trump118 unread / 118margd, October 5
Ecumenical Pilgrimage50 unread / 50John5918, September 24
England and Wales now minority Christian countries92 unread / 92John5918, September 24
Sex abuse Scandal, US Catholic Church93 unread / 93John5918, September 15
Prophetic Criticism2 unread / 2John5918, September 14
Latin Mass, FBI, Scapulas, Superbowls.146 unread / 146brone, September 3
Silent Francis153 unread / 153John5918, August 30
Just War74 unread / 74brone, August 29
Disused churches around the world given new life6 unread / 6MarthaJeanne, August 29
Aggiornamento8 unread / 8John5918, August 24
Hello, My Pronouns are,--------\--------38 unread / 38John5918, August 14
Church of England to consider use of gender-neutral terms for God39 unread / 39John5918, August 3
Old Testament Source Bible16 unread / 16MarthaJeanne, July 27
Pagan influence96 unread / 96cjbanning, July 23
Đavolja noć - who is behind it?23 unread / 23John5918, July 14
Christian Music DDC Classifications2 unread / 2elamberton, June 15
Blessing same sex unions25 unread / 25John5918, June 12
Orthodox priest suspended after including girls as altar servers1 unread / 1John5918, June 11
The World as 100 Christians2 unread / 2TrinityFellowshipChu, May 16
'We found God outside the confines of church'3 unread / 3John5918, May 14
Maria Kubin elected bishop of the Austrian Old Catholic church4 unread / 4John5918, May 5
Kindness should be at the heart of Christian teaching1 unread / 1John5918, April 29
Signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars...6 unread / 6Diamondhead, April 1
Jesuit prayer app is a hit with Evangelicals2 unread / 2brone, December 2022
Clerical Abuse1 unread / 1brone, December 2022
The safety Shibboleth4 unread / 4brone, December 2022
What book would you give to an atheist?351 unread / 3512wonderY, December 2022
Three Days and Three Nights129 unread / 129John5918, November 2022
The power of prayer – not because it works, but because it helps9 unread / 92wonderY, November 2022
The most theologically insightful and beautiful commentary on the King James Bible?7 unread / 7VoicelessTorment, August 2022
If you’re a Western Christian, your spiritual ancestry is African13 unread / 13old_reformer, July 2022
Clergy sexual abuse scandal 4 (continued) - 201741 unread / 41margd, May 2022
Russian & Ukraine Orthodox churches separate, Putin's War1 unread / 1margd, March 2022
St Paul: A Tug-of-War with Truth1 unread / 1John5918, March 2022
Checking on You1 unread / 1OnlyOneLife, March 2022
Evolution1 unread / 1brone, December 2021
The Pope wants to change the Lord’s Prayer38 unread / 38Igor-Evgen, December 2021
Any hymnal collectors out there?3 unread / 3maisiedotes, December 2021
Choose to believe?90 unread / 90brone, November 2021
Christian meditation2 unread / 2eschator83, August 2021
God-given talent: Saka, Rashford and Sterling blaze trail for black British Christians1 unread / 1John5918, July 2021
Faithlife & Logos16 unread / 16pwlarue, June 2021
Expanded New Testament by Kenneth Wuest3 unread / 3eschator83, April 2021
Who was that good Samaritan?8 unread / 8Reality1843, March 2021
Demoniac and the pigs Mark 516 unread / 16Reality1843, March 2021
People are looking for a ‘Religious Left’13 unread / 13margd, March 2021
The priest whose blunt billboards have gone global3 unread / 3Perrero, January 2021
Which type of Christian books mostly interest you?9 unread / 92wonderY, January 2021
updating church library16 unread / 16Perrero, January 2021
Last Supper painting featuring Black Jesus goes on show4 unread / 4Perrero, January 2021
The Forgotten Radicalism of Jesus Christ1 unread / 1John5918, December 2020
Contemporary Advent Carol1 unread / 1John5918, December 2020
'The church needs discontentment'5 unread / 5MsMixte, November 2020
Fiction with a Godly message92 unread / 92Thor-7, September 2020
Podcast recommendation: New Testament Review2 unread / 2george-calleja1, May 2020
World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition1 unread / 1John5918, May 2020
“Closure of churches God’s call to return to our roots to be church”3 unread / 3topgun, April 2020
The Mystery of Water into Wine1 unread / 1Perrero, March 2020
Organizing Pastoral Library4 unread / 4ChrisProbert, March 2020
Attaboy! Attagirl!68 unread / 68margd, January 2020
Decolonising Jesus Christ2 unread / 22wonderY, January 2020
An Evangelical reflection on Catholic Social Teaching1 unread / 1John5918, September 2019
Christian Fiction for 23 year old3 unread / 3Jasmine213, June 2019
The disabled Christians reinterpreting the Bible2 unread / 2jwfarq, May 2019
Favorite Christian Movies?112 unread / 112suser, August 2018
Will there be libraries and books in Heaven?50 unread / 50rolandperkins, May 2018
Bishop Michael Curry Royal Wedding Sermon4 unread / 4margd, May 2018
New Monasticism (edited)14 unread / 14pmackey, May 2018
Politicians use their faith9 unread / 9margd, April 2018
Pope says there is no Hell !25 unread / 25pmackey, April 2018
Evangelicals Recovering the (Real) High Ground6 unread / 6pmackey, April 2018
Shroud of Turin49 unread / 49JGL53, April 2018
'Christianity as default is gone'6 unread / 6Guanhumara, March 2018
Mary Magdalene revisited9 unread / 9pmackey, March 2018
“Jesus’ Wife” Fragment: The Collective Negative Judgment42 unread / 42Rood, February 2018
'What do an Etonian, a Trumpite and a Corbyn fan have in common? My church'3 unread / 3John5918, January 2018
History of healing in Christianity1 unread / 1authorjdking, December 2017
New German book on Luther41 unread / 41jwfarq, December 2017
Orthodox move for women deacons called 'revitalization,' not 'innovation'17 unread / 17jwfarq, December 2017
Historical Jesus30 unread / 30margd, November 2017
Be Responsible and Let Your Greatness Begin4 unread / 4John5918, November 2017
when should sin be illegal and when not21 unread / 21John5918, November 2017
"liberal" Affirmation of Faith9 unread / 9theretiredlibrarian, October 2017
Oxford college bans 'harmful' Christian Union from freshers' fair7 unread / 7timspalding, October 2017
Is the human mind the creator of your God?2 unread / 2pmackey, September 2017
Hurricane Harvey5 unread / 5pmackey, September 2017
Catholics & Protestants see themselves more similar than different – except in UK6 unread / 6Guanhumara, September 2017
Female priests and mullahs18 unread / 18LolaWalser, August 2017
How user friendly is your church?2 unread / 2pmackey, August 2017
Catholics, Protestants and Christian Unity26 unread / 26Rood, July 2017
Rest in Peace "Rest in Piece"6 unread / 6cpg, July 2017
Clergy sexual abuse scandal 3 (continued)342 unread / 342John5918, June 2017
Grenfell Towers fire: the church got it right1 unread / 1John5918, June 2017
Some interesting articles about persecution28 unread / 28margd, June 2017
Perelandra in one comic3 unread / 3pmackey, April 2017
Dear Christians, when was the last time...?45 unread / 45John5918, April 2017
Jesus would have been done for extremism20 unread / 20JGL53, April 2017
US Christianity: 'change and decay'3 unread / 3pmackey, March 2017
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