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Dec 14, 2007
About My Library
I've read and own considerably more than what's listed here but I'm only adding as I read, while sometimes deleting titles that prove forgettable. I average one or two books a month (15-20pgs in 30min is fast for me). For that reason I'm very careful about what I choose, which is probably (and happily) why I give so many positive reviews. Discounting the occasional impulsiveness, I can pretty much tell you the titles I'll be reading several months in advance.

5 stars = especially memorable (perfection not required)
4.5 stars = more than I expected, impressed me
4 stars = met my expectations, I recommend this one
3.5 stars = let me down in some minor way, not quite right
3 stars = disappointing, below expectations

If I read anything worse, you probably won't hear about it.
About Me

50, married male sci-fi/fantasy fan who also enjoys the classics and history (fiction and non-fiction). I sometimes value sheer entertainment over other qualities, but I've a big appreciation for good technique.

My primary goal for maintaining this profile is a personal memory aid (I can always use more of those). It records what I've been reading regardless of whether I borrowed or own it.

Quote: "Every man should keep minutes of whatever he reads. Every circumstance of his studies should be recorded; what books he has consulted; how much of them he has read; at what times; how often the same authors; and what opinions he formed of them, at different periods of his life. Such an account would much illustrate the history of his mind." - James Boswell

Someday, one of these days, sooner or later, I might write a novel myself. Or die first, one or the other.

North Bay, Ontario, Canada
Favorite Authors
Favorite Lists
Local Favorites

Bookstores: Allison the Bookman, Bearly Used Books, Chapters - Kanata, Chapters - Pinecrest, Chapters - Sudbury, Coles - Northgate Square, The Owl Pen, Value Village North Bay

Libraries: North Bay Public Library, The Children's Library

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