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Apr 17, 2007
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About My Library
"Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one." -- Augustine Birrell

I have fairly eclectic taste in reading material, and my library tends to reflect that. My high school English courses instilled a great love for the classics; a love which only seems to grow as time goes on. I love a good mystery; Sherlock Holmes, Mary Russell, Miss Marple and Amelia Peabody are old friends. Young adult and children's literature never fails to take me back to the joyous summers of my youth, which were always filled with reading. Movie and television tie-in novels (especially Doctor Who related books) are a not-so-guilty pleasure. My thirst for science fiction started at the age of 13, after reading Sphere by Michael Crichton. It's a thirst that will never be quenched. My love of history -- specifically ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, colonial America and Victorian England -- often makes me wonder if I happened to be born in the time period.

My wish list often competes in size with my actual library. Somehow I think this will always be the case, no matter how many books find their way from the wish list to the library.

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Read in 2013

About Me
You may know me better as MidnightRain, my original username here at LibraryThing. I switched to BookishRuth in 2008 to coordinate with my book review blog at Come say hello!

If I had to choose a Disney character to sum up my life, Belle from Beauty and the Beast would fit the bill quite nicely: A free spirit with endless curiosity and a voracious appetite for books. (The fact that she ended up with a library bigger than my house has absolutely nothing to do with it. Okay, maybe a little bit...)
Spring City, PA
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Bookstores: Bramble Books, Powell's City of Books (Portland), The Bookworm - Phoenixville, The Mysterious Bookshop, Trappe Book Center

Libraries: Spring City Library

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