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Crime Fiction British. Signed copy (274), Crime Fiction British (116), Historical Fiction. Signed copy (94), Crime Fiction American. Signed copy (79), Crime Fiction Swedish (79), Historical Fiction (44), Crime Fiction American (40), Nonfiction (30), English Reference (28), Thriller (23), Crime Fiction Swedish. Signed copy (19), Fiction British. Signed copy (18), Humour (16), History (15), History England (11), Historical Fiction. Signed and dated copy (11), Fiction British (9), Humour. Signed copy (8), Anthology (8), Nature (8), Crime Fiction British. Signed and dated copy (7), Swedish reference (6), Autobiography (6), Biography (6), Fiction Swedish (6), Science Fiction/Fantasy. Signed copy (6), History World War II (6), Thriller American. Signed copy (6), Fiction American (5), Fiction (5), History Sweden (5), History England. Signed copy (5), Crime Fiction Australian (5), Crime Fiction Norwegian (5), History Northern Ireland (4), Crime Fiction (4), Anthology. Signed copy (4), Philosophy / Mythology / Religion (4), Books on books (4), British. Signed copy (4), Psychiatry (4), History USA (4), Dogs (4), Food and Beverage (4), Books on books. Signed copy (3), Thriller. Signed copy (3), Crime Fiction French. Signed copy (3), Nonfiction. Signed copy (3), History Ireland (3), Crime Fiction Reference (3), Thriller British. Signed copy (2), Political Fiction. Signed copy (2), Fiction Swedish. Signed copy (2), Crime Fiction Islandic (2), Fiction American. Signed copy (2), Indian. Signed dated and lined copy (2), Art (2), Poetry (2), Crime Fiction German. Signed copy (2), Short Stories. Signed copy (2), Chess (2), American. Signed copy (2), Ghosts & Horror. Signed copy (2), Archeology (2), Crime Fiction Chinese. Signed copy (1), Crime Fiction British. Signed and with a drawing by the author (1), Crime Fiction Canadian (1), Crime Fiction British. Signed by all authors (1), Books on books. Signed (1), Crime Fiction Dutch. Signed copy (1), Crime Fiction Romanian. Signed copy (1), Fiction Canadian. Signed copy (1), dated and located copy (1), Historical Fiction. Signed (1), Crime Fiction Britsh. Signed copy (1), Fiction Russian. Signed copy (1), Crime Fiction Spanish. Signed copy (1), Fiction French. Signed copy (1), Crime Fiction Norwegian. Signed copy (1), Fiction Zimbabwean. Signed copy (1), Crime fiction American. Signed copy (1), Philosophy / Mythology / Religion. Signed copy (1), History. Signed copy (1), signed copy (1), lined and dated copy (1), Signed copy (1), Classical Music (1), Ghosts & Horror (1), Fiction Canadian (1), Fiction French (1), Football (1), Children's (1), Fiction Indian (1), History Middle East (1), British (1), German (1), Short stories (1), Fitness (1), Crime fiction (1), Calendar 2008 (1), Crime Fiction American. Signed and dated copy (1), English Reference. Signed copy (1), Psychiatry. Signed copy (1), History South Africa (1), Crime Fiction British. signed copy (1), Crime Fiction German (1), Crime Fiction British. Signed by all contributors (1), Crime Fiction Danish (1), Crime Fiction Indian. Signed copy (1), Fiction Indian. Signed copy (1), Food and Beverage. Signed copy (1), Autobiography. Signed copy (1), Audio Tape Humour (1), Crime Fiction American.Signed copy (1), Crime Fiction Danish. Signed copy (1)
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Oct 20, 2007
Real Name
Bengt Eriksson
About My Library
My favourite subjects are thrillers, mysteries and history. I prefer signed first editions.
I have finally decided (October 2008) to follow the example of The British Library and several members of LT and register my DVD's and CD's as well.
I want to use LT as a record of my library in terms of what I really own.
All the items to be seen here are physically part of my collection and owned by me.

As from today 22nd of July 2010 I have decided to archive all past comments as they are becoming somewhat unwieldy and at the same time will make both incoming and outgoing messages 'Private'.
It goes without saying that I will continue to welcome any future communications from the LT community as usual.

Today (Wednesday May 9, 2012) I have decided to get rid of some of my books. The reason is that I soon have to move house and simply can't store them all. The first 40 books have gone today.
Many books will go to charity but I will also sell on the Internet. But of course I will continue to buy books as well, old habits don't die easily.
Today (Monday June 22, 2020) my library decreased to 2366 items.
If you are interested in buying some of my books, please send me an e-mail and I will tell you how to proceed.

About Me
I am a Swedish booklover and bibliophile and I have been collecting books all my life and have about 4300 books in my library. After my divorce in april 2012 I have started selling books, although I cannot stop buying a few my collection will diminish.

Today, April 16 2014, there are 2914 books in my library.
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