What's the shortest manga you have ever read???

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What's the shortest manga you have ever read???

Jun 8, 2010, 8:38 pm

I was recently looking up random manga's on onemanga.com, and I found a story called 'half and half' which was interesting but only lasted for one chapter!!! I've found more like that now and it's getting pretty normal.
Has anyone else seen that before???

Jun 8, 2010, 8:51 pm

I have never seen that before I have only saw like 100+ pages for mangs. That seems odd to me.

Jun 8, 2010, 10:13 pm

Yeah, one chapter of about 20 pages is really common. They're published in magazines and then eventually those single chapters are put into an anthology based around a theme (there's several "H~____" titled anthologies from one of the shoujo mags, for example), or else a single author's work gets put into a tankobon, again depending on how much there is to choose from, based on a theme of some kind.

Edited: Jun 9, 2010, 1:28 pm

there are quite a lot of one-shots out there... a lot of authors actually start out with just a one-shot, and publishers/authors can gauge audience reaction from it. there are also some magazines that specialize in just one-shot stories. some of them do get compiled into a novel later or as extras to a running series; some don't at all (sadly).

Jun 11, 2010, 11:26 am

I have to say I am not a big fan of one-shots, though I did read some. I always prefer my manga to be a series and a bit long.

Jun 11, 2010, 11:57 am

> 5
i wasn't, either, up until more recently. i used to try to avoid any manga that didn't have a volume number printed anywhere on the cover, since i wanted stories that are long enough for at least some character development and plot wrap-up... exception being, if i really liked the author. it's just this last year that i've started the appreciate them more. there are a couple of authors who seem to write only one shots... but they manage to convey enough in one chapter that i'm satisfied enough, even if i wish there was more. it's also sometimes a good way to check out an author's style if they've got a series running over 15 volumes and unfinished, and i'm not sure if i want to invest in it. XD

Jun 13, 2010, 9:41 am

I don't think that I've ever really come across one before unless your talking about a book a bit like Doll were each chapter is a different story, but all have these human-like dolls in them.

Other then that I haven't read any.

What are some of your favorite titles?

Edited: Jun 13, 2010, 10:26 am

Some of the one-shots I have read are WANTED by Matsuri Hino, I.O.N and Short-Tempered Melancholic by Arina Tanemura, Times Two by Shouko Akira and others.

A one-shot I enjoyed a lot is All My Darling Daughters by Fumi Yoshinaga.

Jun 17, 2010, 12:17 pm

>8 HatsumiShinogu:

other then single volume stories, I've also read a story that had 3 volumes (Princess Ai) and a 4 volume series, Forbidden Dance.

I believe that Legal Drug is also a 3 volume series.

Oct 15, 4:24 pm

Im reviving this

Oct 16, 11:38 am

one shots exist yk

Oct 16, 6:25 pm

u guys do know these topics are from 10 years ago... right?

Oct 16, 6:48 pm

Yea but i guess we're trying to revive them???

Oct 16, 10:22 pm

yeah Im aware of that, why not revive them?

Oct 17, 11:44 am

yes we noticed that, can we revive them?!

Oct 17, 12:59 pm

yesss we can!!! :0

Yesterday, 2:45 pm


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