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The Theft of the Royal Ruby [short story]

by Agatha Christie

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13None1,475,714 (4.67)1
Fiction. Mystery. Short Stories. HTML:

Previously published in the print anthology The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding.

A priceless ruby is stolen from a Far Eastern prince while he is in England. The ruby is intended for the prince's bride-to-be, and Hercule Poirot must find it before a scandal erupts.

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"I regret exceedingly . . ." said M. Hercule Poirot.
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(Click to show. Warning: May contain spoilers.)
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"The Theft of the Royal Ruby was first published as "The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding" in The Sketch, 12 December 1923. This is an expanded version of the story.
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Fiction. Mystery. Short Stories. HTML:

Previously published in the print anthology The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding.

A priceless ruby is stolen from a Far Eastern prince while he is in England. The ruby is intended for the prince's bride-to-be, and Hercule Poirot must find it before a scandal erupts.


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Book description
Poirot is sent to a country house, under the guise of wanting to experience a real English Christmas, to search for a missing ruby. A foreign prince, about to be married, allowed a lady-friend to wear the famous crown jewel, but she disappeared with it; he cannot afford the scandal if his foolishness became known.

In: Agatha Christie, Masterpieces in Miniature, pp. 525-568.
In: Agatha Christie, Double Sin & other stories
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