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The Return of Mr. Campion (1989)

by Margery Allingham

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Series: Albert Campion (short stories, 1989)

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1991130,258 (3.27)4
"A jilted Japanese suitor who plots an exotic and melodic revenge... A phony fortuneteller whose bogus predictions put him behind his own crystal eight-ball... A diabolical cosmetician determined to prove that beauty is skin deep but evil goes to the bone... Now gentleman detective Albert Campion and his law-enforcing peers take on a colorful collection of felonious fiends in thirteen deliciously sinister tales of crime and punishment." --provided by Goodreads.… (more)

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For me none of these short stories, and some were really short, stood out as a wonderful story. Considering the title of the book I did expect all the stories to be about Campion and his investigations but this was not the case. Two stars because I did read all the stories but I was left with the feeling of disappointment.
A NetGalley Book ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Margery Allinghamprimary authorall editionscalculated
Christie, AgathaContributorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Clark, BradleyCover artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Morpurgo, J.E.Editorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed

Belongs to Series

Albert Campion (short stories, 1989)
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"A jilted Japanese suitor who plots an exotic and melodic revenge... A phony fortuneteller whose bogus predictions put him behind his own crystal eight-ball... A diabolical cosmetician determined to prove that beauty is skin deep but evil goes to the bone... Now gentleman detective Albert Campion and his law-enforcing peers take on a colorful collection of felonious fiends in thirteen deliciously sinister tales of crime and punishment." --provided by Goodreads.

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Average: (3.27)
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3.5 3
4 8
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