Date Acquired keeps changing

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Date Acquired keeps changing

Yesterday, 7:21 pm

I hope someone can explain to me why when I try to save the "Date Acquired" for this book:

it keeps changing on me.

I choose October 15, 2023 from the drop down calendar, and when I click SAVE, it updates the date to October 14, 2023.

If I go back and make another change on the Edit page, the Acquired Date changes AGAIN.

This is the second time I've tried to add this book. I added it on October 15, and not only the "acquired date" but also the "reading dates" kept changing on me, no matter whether I used the drop-down calendar or manually entered the dates.

So today I deleted the book entirely and tried adding again using "Add Books" and adding with the ISBN.
Same issues are happening with the dates.

I've never had this happen on any other book. Is there something wrong with this entry?

Yesterday, 7:41 pm

Are you using the site or one of the apps? Dates tend to shift around when editing the book via the EditBook in the apps... - it is a known issue for awhile.

Edited: Yesterday, 8:00 pm

>2 AnnieMod: The site. On a desktop computer.