2010's summer vacation YA novel

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2010's summer vacation YA novel

Yesterday, 2:52 pm

Physical parts that I remember:
- It had a pink plastic cover, I can't remember any of what was on it.
- It was an average sized YA novel, and an easy read.
Internal parts that I remember:
- I remember a girl in college or high school (maybe in between high school and college?) trying to get a job over summer break.
- I think she was trying to save up for college.
- She's staying at a house with her family by a river that boats dock on.
- Her love interest is a boy that she meets that has / works on a boat (it could be his dads?)
- I think they end up kissing on the boat at the end.
- They have a bit of an argument at some point, I think, or a disagreement. I could also be making that up though.

That's literally all I remember. I picked it up at the library a few years ago and forgot about it once I gave it back, but this has been killing me. It was a summer teen-ish romance and I know with full confidence that it involved boats.

Anyone have any ideas?

(Unrelated but I'd like to add that there was a sticky note inside of the copy I borrowed where previous borrowers wrote down their favorite character, and it was adorable. We should do that more with library books. Anyways, any help would be great!)