Very quiet here in October!

TalkReaders Over Sixty

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Very quiet here in October!

Yesterday, 7:39 am

Are we readers over sixty, like grizzlies, preparing for winter? Awfully quiet in here!

Yesterday, 7:57 am

I’m in the midst of a couple of big projects. I sold my ridgetop property, so I’m emptying the cabin and shed and digging some of the perennials to move to my town lot.
Second, I’m taking a college class that fits me to a T - Appalachian Plants and People. There is a lot of prep reading, a long and strenuous Friday lab, and a final project to work on.
I ignored those priorities yesterday and worked to organize my basement. Well, it kinda relates, as I’m moving furniture and stuff down there and also clearing a corner for my winter greenhouse.
Mostly listening to books nowadays.

Yesterday, 1:54 pm

>1 Tess_W: Getting dark ... stayed fattened up from last year ... too much rain ... already started hibernating.... 🤫

Yesterday, 3:46 pm

I'm also involved in some big projects - or at least they seem big to an old chap like me.

We've started building a new guest cottage. The foundation was laid seven years ago but we didn't have the money then to continue it. Now we've started again and we're doing it in stages little by little as cash becomes available, with us supervising the work ourselves. We've just finished the walls. Next step will be the concrete beam on top of the wall. I fell off the pick up truck while unloading heavy building stones. Painful but fortunately not serious, but it has slowed me down a bit. I got a telling off from my better half about what was I doing unloading heavy blocks when there were six young chaps on site who should have been doing all the heavy work! Today I was installing an overflow pipe in the new dam that we dug last month in the hope of a decent rainy season before the end of the year, and also repairing the plastic liner in the old dam. And I'm currently writing two books, with a third in the pipeline. Following orders from the boss not to do too much heavy physical work again for a while (and anyway it still hurts) I've spent more time at the computer and have managed more than 25,000 words in the last three days.

Yesterday, 9:25 pm

>4 John5918: 25,000+? Wow! Go John!

Today, 1:33 am