YA Thriller/Horror (?)

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YA Thriller/Horror (?)

Oct 17, 8:35 am

Cant remember a whole lot.
Main character was a boy (I think named Alex?)
Companion throughout was a girl.
They were teenagers.
The main kid had a cast for a broken arm (?)?
It was definitely horror esque, thriller themed
It had a sequel, and both books had heavy mentions of some mysterious machine.
I think the "title card" of the sequel was something like "Skull in the machine"

Oct 17, 9:40 am

>1 SeverienTorture: A bit of a long shot but The Girl with the Ghost Machine? It's not technically part of a series in the traditional sense, but at my library it was often billed as part of a series along with The Curious Tale of the In Between and The Peculiar Night of the Blue Heart.

Oct 17, 12:27 pm

Skeleton Creek by Patrick Carman? Ghost in the Machine is the second in the series.