Found: Melodramatic romance/erotica/thriller set in Italy and Britain

Original topic subject: Melodramatic romance/erotica/thriller set in Italy and Britain

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Found: Melodramatic romance/erotica/thriller set in Italy and Britain

Oct 16, 5:58 pm

The cover: A black and white photograph of a young Italian woman sitting at a table to eat. There's shrimp on the table.
PLOT details: The protagonist is a young Italian woman, who I believe is called Francesca, who is forced to marry an abusive man. However, her brother in law is obsessed with her and so murders his brother so he can be with her. She runs away to Britain to escape him, and he stalks her throughout the rest of the novel.
Once in Britain she (I think works as a maid and thus) meets a handsome aspiring politician. They fall in love, but this man's older sister is incredibly ambitious (to the point that she will sleep with men who she thinks can further her brothers career, without his knowledge) and does not want him to become distracted by this romance. She somehow breaks them up, and a heartbroken Francesca runs away to London. She starts working for a fashion designer (male) and eventually works her way up into being a fairly successful designer herself (I also think she is given the nickname Frankie by this point). The rest of the plot is hazy, although I am sure that she eventually has a final confrontation with her stalker who dies, and she also ultimately reunites with the politician (and they enjoy a happy ending).

I think it is written and set in the 90s. Fairly graphic with plenty of melodrama. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Yesterday, 2:06 am

I found it! It was Dangerous Obsession by Maria Barrett

Yesterday, 6:02 pm