French Seamstress?, leaves neglectful husband and travels, colourful thread spools on cover

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French Seamstress?, leaves neglectful husband and travels, colourful thread spools on cover

Oct 16, 1:05 am

Definitely colourful thread spools in rows on the cover

I think
- the book came out between 2012-2017
- was written by a relatively popular female author who has written many other books
- does not have the word seamstress in the title
- not much interaction with husband who only appears in the earliest part of the novel
- it might be a short novel

I would definitely recognise the book cover and author if I saw the cover. I've been searching and trying to remember for years at this point. I saw it once in a coffee shop as I walked by, but I was in a HUGE rush :/ I remember thinking of course that was the title and the author as it seemed so obvious but then couldn't recollect it again.