Book about prince trying to clear friend/brother’s name

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Book about prince trying to clear friend/brother’s name

Oct 16, 12:56 am

(Prince is what I called the son because he was the son of someone of immense power who ruled, I don’t know for certain if he is a prince, because I don’t know if the person of immense power is called a king) I have been trying to find this book where the prince is trying to prove that his brother/close friend (forgot which) is innocent of a crime, I don’t remember the exact crime, but the punishment was death, so his brother/close friend went on the run. I forgot much of the middle of the book, but near the end, he finds out that he was innocent/had justification (forgot which) and convinces him to come before the king and queen and plead his case, but he is sentenced to death anyway, the exact quote of the prince’s reaction was “capital punishment” ? Mom “really?” (The parts outside the quotation marks are the parts i am unsure of) The book appeared to be of modern binding and was read between the years 2014 and 2019.

Oct 16, 11:44 am

Was it a fantasy book or set in the real world? If it was the real world, what kind of time period (now? Victorian? were there cars, telephones etc?), what country/ continent?