Name that book - a man who abducted his daughter because her mother was an alcoholic

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Name that book - a man who abducted his daughter because her mother was an alcoholic

Oct 15, 11:24 pm

Hi! I'm new and don't really know how this works... but maybe someone can help me out.

I'm looking for a book I read several years back (not sure how long ago... 15 years maybe?) and cannot remember the name or author. If anyone recognizes (my shotty recollection) of the plot please let me know!

A grown woman, in her late 20's who I believe has a young daughter of her own is visiting her dad when the FBI comes to his house and he is arrested for the abduction of a child ... the woman realizes that she is the child and that she has been given a new name but doesn't remember because she was only a toddler when this happened. I think her dad told her that her mom was dead all these year but it turns out he abducted her because her mom was an alcoholic and was dangerous, but now she wants to meet her. So the woman goes to meet her mom who lives in a trailer park, and I'm pretty sure it turns out the mom is dying of cancer?? Perhaps? Or her neighbour is dying of cancer... someone has cancer. And at some point in the book there is there is a Native American spiritual ritual or something where the main character goes to the dessert to process all of this?

I can't remember at all how it ends, but I'd like to re-read it.. I literally have not thought of this book in probably more than a decade and it randomly popped up from my memory a couple weeks ago and I literally cannot stop thinking about it, it's driving me nuts. I GOTTA KNOW! I was reading a lot of Nicholas Sparks back then if that helps??

If anyone knows please please let me know!
Thanks! Jules

Oct 16, 4:07 pm

Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult? If that's not it, you can check out the tagmash of "kidnapping" and "alcoholism" and see if any titles sound familiar: