Scottish Historical Romance

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Scottish Historical Romance

Oct 15, 4:24 pm

Fictional historical romance book. I don't believe it came out after the early 2000s because I believe that is when I read it (read around approximately 2003 maybe?). I did read it in the US. It was paperback.

Scottish MMC takes (maybe English?) FMC from her home, I seem to recall her home was otherwise empty or abandoned but it may not have been. He takes her through multiple days travel back to his lands. At some point at his home, she attempted to wrap his tartan around herself s a dress (I remember this part for sure). I know it's not a lot of detail but it's been years and I'd really like to find it again as I recall very much enjoying it.

Oct 15, 8:55 pm

Is it possibly one of Julie Garwood's Highland Lairds series? Maybe The Secret.

Edited: Oct 16, 9:00 am

In The Bride by Julie Garwood, she has trouble putting on the plaid (even tried rolling on the floor) and had to ask the priest for help. The heroine in the The Secret had some trouble with it too and asked an elder for help.