Found: Help! Romance/mystery/meddling ghost, maybe Harlequin

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Found: Help! Romance/mystery/meddling ghost, maybe Harlequin

Oct 15, 1:28 pm

This book might have been an old harlequin or blaze book.

I think it was a book about brothers. The oldest brother own the bar the dad left to them and he supported the younger brothers. This book I think was the middle brother story.
I can’t remember his name but I think it was back east somewhere in a small town. He was the small town playboy.
The girls in this story were all friends of the brothers from high school I think. I think the heroine was the shy librarian or something.her friends kinda protected her. She inherited or bought an old house. She found a trunk of old clothes and somehow that is when the ghosts showed up. This house had treasure hidden in it that the ghost wanted her to find.

THe shy girl had a crush on the playboy but knew she wasn’t his type. The ghost started to meddle and somehow made the shy girls every fantasy or thought known to the playboy. He could hear her thoughts and was getting frustrated. They got together and her ex boyfriend broke into her house and the playboy saved her, they found the treasure in the wall in the basement. They found where it was hidden from a note the woman who live there before (the now ghost) left under one of the posts of the bed.

I know that’s quite the description, I have reread this book a couple times in the last 20 years and now I can’t remember the name or author. Thanks for any help.

Edited: Oct 15, 5:04 pm

>1 BethyLD: I haven't read it, but from your description I think it's The Winston Brothers (this is a compilation of the individual books)

Oct 15, 5:09 pm

THANK YOU!!! That’s it! I can’t believe I forgot it was Lori Foster!

Oct 15, 6:31 pm

>3 BethyLD: Yay! You're welcome.