
Oct 14, 3:30 pm

Any other thoughts, comments or questions on the third section?

Oct 15, 11:11 am

I’m finding it quite hard to get my teeth into this one. A lot of information being introduced on a slow drip feed and so many variables that are up in the air. So many different parties in play too.

Oct 15, 12:48 pm

>2 Andrew-theQM: You are not alone Andrew.

Oct 15, 1:42 pm

>3 JohnDBurke: Thanks goodness for that John. I enjoy the series and overall am enjoying the book, but I would like a bit more of a chance to get my teeth into the plot.

Oct 17, 3:05 pm

Abigail seemed concerned that Yates did not ‘take the fall’ for Eisler’s murder - I’m still slightly wary of her part in all this.

Yesterday, 7:40 pm

This has certainly been a more confusing section. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that.