
Oct 14, 3:30 pm

Do you think Kat was being upfront and honest with Sebastian? If her husband was liable to hang, why do you think they could be holding out on him?

Oct 14, 6:06 pm

I think she was being honest. I'm just not sure Yates is being honest with her. If Yates is protecting Beresford and Tyson he might be willing to see how long he could do that before he's actually hanged.

Oct 14, 6:46 pm

I think Yates is not telling Kat everything but Sebastian thinks that he can’t believe Kat or trust her. So things are still hard to figure out what’s really going on.

Oct 14, 11:17 pm

I think Kat is not holding anything back from Sebastian. It appears that Yates is—but I cannot figure out why? It must be something quite damning if he’s willing to risk his life by withholding it from Sebastian.

Edited: Oct 15, 8:27 am

I agree that Yates for some unknown and very odd reason is holding back information. If I was in prison and going to hang for something I didn't do I would be singing like the proverbial canary.

Oct 15, 11:09 am

Sebastian says he can’t believe or trust Kat, given this I feel she is either not telling him everything (possibly because it puts Yates in a bad light) or is not being totally honest with him. Like Sebastian is feeling I just do not trust her, or Yates come to that.

Like >2 Olivermagnus: says they might be trying to protect another person or their business interests, but this is a dangerous game to play.

Edited: Oct 15, 1:08 pm

I believe Kat nor Hero are upfront with him, but for some reason not known to me he will put up with it.

Oct 17, 3:02 pm

Sebastian didn’t trust she was being completely honest with him, that speaks volumes to me. I’m glad he isn’t being taken in by her.

Yesterday, 7:39 pm

>8 Sergeirocks: I agree - there is something Kat is not telling him, but I think because someone has told her not to say anything. And if she does, it could implicate or cause damage to Yates or to Sebastian, neither of whom she wants harmed.