
Oct 14, 3:29 pm

What did you think was the purpose of what Sebastian discovered in the locked room in Eisler’s house? Does this take us forward with our thinking at all?

Oct 14, 5:58 pm

I think the manuscript and the occult still play a key role but I remain clueless at this point.

Oct 14, 6:35 pm

It does take us forward but not all the way yet to knowing more.

Oct 14, 11:15 pm

Black arts. I still have no clue how it fits into the rest of the story. I found it interesting that he was mostly trying to summon evil spirits. What was he up to?. 🧐

Oct 15, 8:42 am

>2 Olivermagnus: >4 bluebird_: I agree this element linked to the black arts seems quite significant, but still cannot see where it fits in or why.

Oct 15, 12:45 pm

Other than Eisler being into the black arts adding to his character, cannot tie it into anything yet.

Yesterday, 7:36 pm

My guess is that he was looking for ways to lay curses or hexes on his enemies. Finding their weak spot and then exploiting it in non-traditional ways.