Social Distancing Readathon #187 - October 13 - 15

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Social Distancing Readathon #187 - October 13 - 15

Oct 12, 10:11 pm

Welcome to another readathon!

We generally run from Friday at 5 p.m. to Sunday at midnight in whatever time zone you choose, but feel free to start earlier on Friday and wrap up overnight Sunday/Monday, if that's what you want to do.

Here are some things to track throughout the weekend, if you choose:

Books read from:
Books finished:
Time reading:
Time posting:
Non-book activities:

Total books finished:
Total read from:
Total time reading:

Who is participating -

1. SilverWolf (SilverWolf28) -- Tennessee, USA

Oct 12, 10:18 pm

Mom's doing good. She's getting a bit stronger every day. Her confusion varies from day to day.

Oct 13, 1:19 pm

I'm on board! Currently reading Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds and Why We Love Baseball by Joe Posnanski.

Oct 13, 1:20 pm

>2 SilverWolf28: I am glad to hear that your mother continues to improve, Silver!

Unfortunately I am going to miss this week's Readathon as well as the couple after that. I will be visiting my mother and doing the Joplin meetup.

Oct 13, 2:48 pm

I'm in again. I will be traveling so my participation will be sporadic.

Oct 13, 2:53 pm

Friday night reveals
Books read from: Skippy Dies by Paul Murray. Vanished Smile: The Mysterious Theft of Mona Lisa by R.A. Scotti. I am listening to Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen.

Books finished:

Book Thoughts: I am doing most of my reading in Skippy Dies trying to keep up with the superfast reader - the Chicago Warbler. The book is good and the author has really nailed the middle school/jr high experience from a male point-of-view. I am 130 pages in and will stick with this book. At 650 pages, it is a reading commitment. Vanish Smile continues to move along at a good pace. I have planned my books for the trip and have them ready to go into the car. It is clear that I did the most important packing first.

Non-Book activities: phone call after phone call this morning with the nursing home. I am also trying to pack so that I can leave early in the morning. I am going to try to drive it straight through in one day, but may have to stop in K.C. for a time out to sleep. I will see how it goes tomorrow.
Time reading: 1 hour this morning.
Time posting:
Food: cottage cheese and watermelon for breakfast

Total books finished since the Read-A-Thon Began: 356
Total Time Reading since the Social Distancing read-a-thon began: 1027.5 hours since I started doing the weekend Read-A-Thon in April of 2020

Oct 13, 6:43 pm

I am in! A weekend at home with few responsibilities. They are promising a rainy day tomorrow.

Oct 14, 10:01 pm

I'm in

Just got home from Chapel Hill where we have been house hunting.
Spent time with my sister and her family while there.
I got to meet my new, tiny, 2-month-old great-niece!
I did read some while I was away.

Just finished The Rains, YA dystopia by Gregg Hurwitz
Next up - Banyan Moon by Thao Thai
Still listening to The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

Visited a couple nice bookstores in the Chapel Hill area -
McIntyre's Books in Fearrington Village, Pittsboro NC, and
Golden Fig Books in Carrboro, NC

Leftover Polish vegetable salad for dinner.

Dark and clear at 10p. 63 F. (17 C.)

Oct 15, 10:20 am

Sunday Morning Check in:

Books Read From:
The Last List of Mabel Beaumont is my current audiobook
Our Lady of Perpetual Hunger by Lisa Donovan
Beatrix Potter: A Life in Nature
Math Without Numbers
The Obelisk Gate

I can't seem to settle into one book. Spent most of yesterday working on a handmade book. I may make a pot of tea and settle in with a book this afternoon. But, which one?

Edited: Oct 15, 6:19 pm

I’m doing my shift in our small neighborhood library this afternoon.
Usually it’s pretty quiet but today l have a young person here reading her book.
Nice to have the company. Most folks stop in just to grab a book and go.

I finished New Yorker Book of Cat Cartoons!
Still reading Banyan Moon and The Giver of Stars

Sandwich and cherry lime cider for lunch.

Partly Sunny, 64 F. (18 C.)

Oct 16, 9:46 am

Weekend summary:

Books read from: Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds, Why We Love Baseball, by Joe Posnanski
Books finished: None
Pages read: 150-ish

Non-reading activities: I spent all day (and evening) on Saturday involved in a youth harmony singing workshop, teaching a group of high schoolers songs in barbershop harmony, ending with a show in which they performed what they learned, along with some local quartets (including mine). Lots of fun, if exhausting...

Oct 16, 2:02 pm

Weekend wrap-up
Books read from: Skippy Dies by Paul Murray. Vanished Smile: The Mysterious Theft of Mona Lisa by R.A. Scotti. I just started listening to Red Garden by Alice Hoffman.

Books finished: Merciful Crow and Faithless Hawk duology by Maragaret Owen

Book Thoughts: I spent the weekend driving back to Kansas and I listened to two books on the route. I finished Merciful Crow and Faithless Hawk by Margaret Owen. This is a YA dystopian fantasy duology. I liked it, but I really don't think it is YA - it should be classed as adult, but that has been my complaint about many of the novels published recently for YA's. Especially those in the Sci/Fi Fantasy genre. I had started listening to the 11 CD Merciful Crow a week before I left and had half of the book done. I listened to the entire 10 CD's of Faithless Crow on the trip and finished all but 2 pages of it as I drove into the driveway at home. That was good timing on the books. I am now going to try to finish listening to 2 Alice Hoffman books while I am here. I am half done with Vanished Smile and should finish that one easily. I am at page 230 in Skippy Dies and really liking that book.

Non-Book activities: I got my car unpacked this morning and got the two big pots that I brought home set up by the steps to the deck. They look very nice there. I am not sure that is a permanent location but it will do for the time being.
Time reading: 1 hour this morning.
Time posting:
Food: yogurt and bagel for breakfast

Total books finished since the Read-A-Thon Began: 358
Total Time Reading since the Social Distancing read-a-thon began: 1028.5 hours since I started doing the weekend Read-A-Thon in April of 2020. I am not counting the 18 hours of listening while driving done in the last two days.

Edited: Oct 16, 5:39 pm

Weekend wrap

Finished The Rains, YA dystopia by Gregg Hurwitz, and
The New Yorker Book of Cat Cartoons

Still reading Banyan Moon by Thao Thai
Still listening to The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes
Started What It Felt Like: Living in the American Century by Henry Allen

For lunch we went out to our local bar & grill. I had a burger, onion rings, and a cherry cider.

Thinking of how to down-size my library if we really move. Husband is balking at the moment over moving.

cool and cloudy, 57 F. (14 C.) just before 6p.

Oct 17, 12:34 pm

>13 nrmay:
The thought of moving my library is causing me lots of consternation and division. I have friends who tell me to just get rid of the books. I find that I simply can't do that.