Picture Book, Boy gets taken at night on a quest, Lovecraftian.

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Picture Book, Boy gets taken at night on a quest, Lovecraftian.

Oct 12, 9:56 am

Fiction, I think Sci-fi and possible time travel. Other darker/sadder themes.

From what I remember there was a boy and I think he was woken up and taken on a journey in the middle of the night by a good creature, I do not think it was another human who took him. The boy was scared at first due to this but when his task was explained he agreed to go. It was sort of scary and he had to do a lot of sneaking. I believe there was a deeper purpose but I can't place it, maybe a specific object he needed to get. I think he was saving someone with his actions, maybe one of his parents was sick/dying? There were creatures that were very Lovecraftian, very abstract and dark that he had to hide from and be protected from by the group I believe he was with. I also remember a part where the boy is overhearing a conversation and it was pretty pivotal for him. During his adventure I believe he was time traveling or traveling through space. Not 100% sure.

This book was definitely more elementary, not children's. It was read to me when I was in Grade 6 (age 11/12) around 2012 in Canada. I don't remember if the author was Canadian, but it was a relatively new book at the time. I feel that the author was a man but I may be wrong.. It definitely had a darker undertone and plot I believe than I was used to for picture books.

The book might have had a longer name but I could be wrong. I do know for sure that the book was very wide from the spine to the front, think The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The illustrations were very detailed and not cartoony/bright fantasy works. It was moody and dark on the cover.

Thank you to anyone who reads this and I'm sorry I don't have a great grasp on what the real plot was, I mainly just remember the feeling and style of the images.

Oct 12, 10:16 am

Probably A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.

Edited: Oct 12, 11:40 am

>2 beyondthefourthwall: No unfortunately not, I loved that book as well but it's much smaller size and much more of an outright sad story. This one was more fantasy and not like a dream the kid experienced.
Thank you though!