Found: Memoir by a woman whose family was murdered

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Found: Memoir by a woman whose family was murdered

Oct 11, 8:46 pm

Content advisory: family violence

Hi everyone! Around 2008 or 2009 I read a recently-published memoir by a woman whose brother had killed her parents and their younger sister, when she and the brother were teenagers.

The brother was in prison for life, and the woman was making her way through the world. I believe she and her family had originally lived in the Midwest but I could be mistaken.

The memoir was well-written, not sensationalist, and I felt it thoughtfully analyzed things like generational trauma and family violence. I've thought of it frequently since but cannot remember the title.

Any thoughts?

Oct 13, 12:30 pm

It sounds like While They Slept although that's based on interviews rather than being a memoir.

Oct 16, 6:02 pm

>2 rarm: That IS it and makes so much sense why I couldn't find it - I was mis-remembering it as a memoir! Thank you!