Historical Romance with a Ladies' Teacher/Nobleman

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Historical Romance with a Ladies' Teacher/Nobleman

Oct 11, 8:46 pm

Adult Fictional Novel - Read in 2017
Published 1990-2010?
Historical Romance Genre set in Britain (England?)

Beginning of the book is the Heroine's Point-of-View. She is a teacher at a school for young ladies. She's glad for the position; she used to be far poorer and lacking in connections. She lied about her background to get hired, but she does a good job. The weather is bad that day, so classes are held indoors. She and the other teachers are teaching the young ladies about tea etiquette when an infamous nobleman rolls up in a carriage. He's assumed to have murdered his young charge's parents, his relatives. He inherited a lot because of their deaths. He's arrived at the school to enroll her. Naturally, all the students (including some of the teachers!) run up to the windows to get a peek at the nobleman.

I remember the novel's beginning to be hilarious and a lot of fun, but I didn't finish the book, so I don't remember anything else.

This has been driving me nuts for years! This website is one of my last resorts. No one can tell me what book this is. Good luck finding it!

Edited: Oct 15, 9:04 pm

Perhaps one of the Simply Quartet Series by Mary Balogh