Teen Romance about a group of schoolboys who swear off getting girlfriends

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Teen Romance about a group of schoolboys who swear off getting girlfriends

Oct 10, 3:55 am

This description is going to be quite spoiler heavy especially closer to the end, so if this sounds like a book you haven't read but might be interested please don't read too far down but bump the thread.

I wanna say I read this book around 2015? So it must've been published either around or before then.

-The narrator is tired of girls stealing all his friends (and just girls in general I think?) and decides to start a group with his friends who think the same, based on not getting girlfriends

-At the start of the book a new student joins the narrator's school, the thing they do to introduce themselves is go to the front of his class and do a backflip. They join the protagonist's no gf club. A part of me wants to say their name was Alex?


-There's a scene near the end of the book where a while after one of protag's friends gets romantically involved with a girl by saving her from something (I think a bully?) she gets annoyed at him for continuing to try act like a knight in shining armour for her. After a small falling out they make up and kiss, signifying the last of protag's friends to be turned to The Dark Side


-By the end of the book it's revealed the new student is actually girl and they had a crush on protag the whole time, and it's implied they start seeing each other. It's also revealed they came from a family of foreign (I wanna say Romanian?) acrobats or circus people or something, I think their real name was something like Alexi?

- There are hints towards the spoiler above throughout the book, such as the backflip, and the new student always picking at their shirt and getting upset when the narrator got too physical with them.