Collection of Short Stories, Female Author, Set in New York 1970ish, Terse but Philosophical

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Collection of Short Stories, Female Author, Set in New York 1970ish, Terse but Philosophical

Oct 9, 4:01 pm


Thank you for your assistance. There is one story in this collection in particular that I'm trying to locate. The story is about a man who visits a brothel, he eventually meets a woman working there that is very different in her interactions with him, rather than being sweet and upbeat, she is realistic and candid. He thinks they have had an important connection. Eventually, he visits the brothel and she is gone. Some time later, he sees her in a cafe in Greenwich Village and she doesn't acknowledge his existence. He realizes at that point that they did not have an important connection.

I could definitely be wrong about some of these details since it's been about 20 years since I read this and my recollection could be skewed. That said, if this sounds like a short story in a collection you are familiar with, please let me know because it is important to me. At the time I first read this story, I was reading a lot of literature with philosophical import, if that helps at all.
