Automatically add covers on import

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Automatically add covers on import

Oct 9, 9:27 am


Is there a way to configure the system to automatically add covers on import?

I've done a test upload of 1500+ items and the covers have not been added.

Would like to know before I add another 6000+ items


Oct 9, 10:42 am

There is not a way to do a mass cover upload at this time.
If you allow the system to chose Amazon covers, they'll be available immediately, but you'll need to check each one regularly, to make sure Amazon hasn't changed them.
If you don't allow Amazon covers, the system will try to guess the best non-Amazon cover based on ISBN, or will leave your default cover.

In all repair cases, it's a one at at time thing, at last check,

Oct 9, 2:27 pm

The system doesn't load covers the way that it loads other data. By default, if the book record has an isbn then it will use that to load that cover from Amazon