Old children’s novel with a pseudo medieval setting

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Old children’s novel with a pseudo medieval setting

Oct 8, 6:53 pm

I was hoping someone might know this book that has been haunting me for years. I read it long enough ago that some of these details might be stolen from other books. My memory unfortunately latches onto random details rather than character names or things that would actually be helpful, so I don’t know if there’s any hope!

-Older book, I read it in ~2007 but it had actual library stamps in it which my public library stopped using years earlier. Possibly from around the 70’s but I’m absolutely not certain of that. I’ve emailed my library to figure out what year they switched from using stamps, I will update when I hear back!
-Author’s last name was earlier in the alphabet (A or B probably), as I was reading all the children’s novels at my public library in alphabetical order. Maybe a blue cover? Hardback book, I think it was missing its dust jacket
-Medieval-ish setting
-Female lead. The first scene is a flashback of her father abandoning her as a little kid and she’s left munching on peppermint sticks
-Lead makes observations about how long she can survive without food (7 days before problems really set in)
-Meets up with a bunch of other kids, they go on a journey but get caught in a storm and find shelter in a cave with natural hot springs
-I believe one of the children can’t walk so another brings them around in a wheelbarrow?
-Could be just The Golden Compass making its way into my brain, but I believe that her father ended up being the villain and there were kids in cages
-There was a war involved, I think the main character confronted her father in a war camp. She was maybe trying to prevent a war?

Some details may be crossovers from other books, but the cave and the hot springs is the part I’m most certain about.

Absolutely understand if this is impossible to find, but if someone knows it it would be a true miracle.

Oct 13, 9:41 am

I was going to suggest The Iron Trial but that was published in 2014.