2023*4 LizzieD: Still here. Still reading.

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2023*4 LizzieD: Still here. Still reading.

Edited: Oct 8, 11:47 pm


These October mushrooms are in our yard right now. The first is apparently the younger version of the second. I've never seen anything like them and don't have time to track them down. New and different for my page though!

Edited: Today, 12:39 am

45. Double Share - Why is this so comforting? I don't know, but it is.
46. Captain's Share

Into the House in October
96. The Running Grave
97. Companion Piece - PBS
98. Maid - PBS

Edited: Oct 9, 11:44 pm


Oct 8, 10:11 am

It was past time to start a new thread, so I did.

Oct 8, 10:16 am

Whew. At least I can get this done at my leisure!

Wordle 841 5/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 arose, unite, whine, niece, binge That 3rd guess inadvertently placed a yellow letter in the same wrong position.
My excuse is that I'm not myself quite yet. Before I opened the door, I could hear Mama's house alarm buzzing. I came flying in to find Mama safely in bed. She said that she had heard me call at the front door and tried to take the alarm off to let me in, but I wasn't there when she got there, and she couldn't make it stop buzzing. Yikes. Again, I don't know what we're going to do about Mama at night. Right now I'm going to make breakfast.

Oct 8, 11:04 am

New 🧡 orisons, Peggy! And another Sunday *smooch*

Oct 8, 11:06 am

Awww, while writing this Richard beat me out for first place.

Happy new thread, my dear Peggy.

I'm sorry things are getting dicey with your mama. Not a good wake up call for this morning, for sure.

Deep breaths, breakfast.

I frequently do the same with Wordle, putting a yellow in the same wrong position. And, once, famously and recently, using my first word twice. *eye roll*

Oct 8, 11:10 am

>5 LizzieD: that sounds like a stressful start to your day, Peggy, and a new set of worries too I'm sure. Hang in there, friend.

Oct 8, 11:44 am

Happy new thread, Peggy. I'll be back when your construction is finished.

I just got my flu shot and COVID booster as well and felt crappy for a couple of days.

Oct 8, 12:05 pm

Happy new one, dear Peggy.

>4 LizzieD: Agree! Your threads keep getting longer and longer. xx

Oct 8, 3:14 pm

Happy new thread, Peggy!

>5 LizzieD: Sorry for your rough start of the day, hope the rest of the day was easier on you.

Oct 8, 4:54 pm

Happy new thread Peggy!

I'll have to come back to see what you top this one with...

Oct 8, 4:55 pm

Happy new thread, Peggy! I'm sorry you had such a difficult start to the day. I commiserate, seeing as how we're about to head out of town to deal with an elderly parent. It's not easy growing old, or taking care of older parents.

Wishing you a great new week!

Oct 8, 8:30 pm

Happy new one!

Oct 9, 10:10 am

Wait. What? I posted thankful greetings to all of you dear people last night. Where is it?????

I'm delighted to have the kind attention, Anita, Irene, Susan, Anita, Paul, Beth, Laura, Karen, and Richard. You are all very dear to me. I wish I were in better touch with you. I also wish that I were reading more to make this poor Wordle thread more interesting. Oh well. I'm grateful that you remember me.

Wordle 842 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 arose, unity, truth It's been a long, long time since I saw a 3.

Oct 9, 10:21 am

>15 LizzieD: *smoochiesmoochsmooch*

Oct 9, 6:31 pm

Happy new thread, Peggy!

Oct 9, 7:42 pm

Happy new one, Peggy!

Oct 10, 8:20 am

'Morning, Peggy!

I got another 3 in Wordle today and am on page 841/945 of The Running Grave. It's a doozy.

Oct 10, 10:32 am

Thank you, Jim and Stasia!

*smooch* Richard. I gave your first word a spin today, and look at the result!

We're 3 Sisters again, Karen! YAY!!! As to *RG*, I'm on it!

Wordle 843 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 aeons, snack, snail

Oct 10, 10:34 am

Just checking in on you this morning. I hope all is well there!

Oct 10, 12:12 pm

>20 LizzieD: Brava Peggy! It's just the best isn't it? *smooch*

Oct 11, 9:22 am

Hi Peggy, Sorry to see life with Mama is so fraught. Eldercare is truly a challenge and so emotionally draining.
Glad to see you had the energy to start a new thread and wishing you a relaxing time with Wordle. Don't be hard on yourself if that's what you can do in a day for relaxing.

Oct 11, 9:52 am

'Morning my dear. I wish you and yours a GOOD day.

I've got a busy one scheduled, Wordle took me 4.

I finished The Running Grave last night and have posted a no-spoilers review. There are a few details about how Robin goes undercover and how she stays in touch with Strike, but nothing to prevent complete, full, and not spoiled joy reading it.

Oct 11, 10:18 am

Good morning, dear friends!

Tuesday was fine, Stasia. I wish us both an equally good Wednesday! No-shower days are good!

Thank you, Sandy. Most of the time I do OK, but sometimes I just lose it. You're right. It's hard. I do indulge myself though, so no worries on that score except maybe for my character.

Morning, Karen and Richard!
I'm getting into *RG*, Karen. I won't gobble it down as quickly as you did, but it's going to be a good one.

I'm back to my go-to word, Richard. Yours would have been better by one letter, and that one in the correct position. However, I pulled it out with my second word's help, so I'm chuffed. *smooch*

Wordle 844 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 arose, unity, skunk

Oct 11, 11:15 am

Chuffed indeed, Peggy me lurve. Getting there is brilliant. My PT provider told me today she ran the NYC marathon in 2016 & felt bad because her time was twice the winning time...I smacked her with "YOU FINISHED A 26 mile run! Don't even with that silliness!"

Therapists need therapy, too, obvs. *smooch*

Oct 11, 12:39 pm

>25 LizzieD: I wish us both an equally good Wednesday! No-shower days are good!

I wish you the same!

Oct 12, 10:12 am

Good morning, Stasia and Richard! I wish you both a rich Thursday. We're getting a little rain - YAY!!! *smooch* for Richard; (((((Stasia)))))

Wordle 845 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 arose, unity, enter, knelt I had to glance a a word list. I completely expected to lose my streak on this one.

Oct 12, 10:18 am

'Morning, my dear.

Our concrete is damp, so we must have gotten a bit of rain overnight.

Wordle took me 5, and I had to glance at my spreadsheet a couple of times. Glad you got it in 4 and didn't break your streak. My streak's back up to 21 days...

You mentioned the Casey Duncan series on my thread - I forgot I bought the first in the series for Kindle in June, so have added it to my 2023 acquisitions list AND my catalog. As one of my mothers-in-law used to say, "I miss my mind."

I hope you have a GOOD day. (((((Peggy)))))

Edited: Oct 12, 11:59 am

It is cool here this morning and I hope the day stays that way! I am loving the fall weather.

Have a thunderous Thursday, Peggy!

Oct 12, 1:59 pm

Happy new thread, Peggy.

Oct 13, 10:05 am

Thank you, Arlie. Yay for fall, Stasia! I'm loving the not-summer weather! Morning, Karen. We got in the neighborhood of an inch of rain overnight Wednesday, and we needed every drop.

Wordle 846 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 arose, unity, uncle Happy Birthday to me!

Oct 13, 10:16 am

And you answered my question about posting Happy Birthday to you here!

And congrats on getting Wordle in 3.

I hope you have a marvelous day.


Oct 13, 10:19 am

Thank you, dear (((((Karen))))). So far I like being 79 just fine.

Oct 13, 10:28 am

Peggy πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

All the very best wishes for a splendid day and year to come.

Oct 13, 11:37 am

Oct 13, 12:59 pm

Thank you, Stasia and Sandy! My thread has never been prettier!

Oct 13, 4:18 pm

Happy birthday, Peggy!

Oct 13, 4:56 pm

Happy Birthday, Peggy! I hope you've enjoyed your day.

Oct 14, 12:00 am

Thank you, Anita and Laura! It was a good day, and I've enjoyed being remembered!

Oct 14, 8:14 am

Happy Birthday, Peggy! πŸŽ‚πŸ₯³And Happy New Thread!

Oct 14, 10:13 am

Thank you, Deborah. I'm still celebrating with a lot of cake!

Wordle 847 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 arose, unity, agent My subscription to the NYT from public radio has finally run out, so I don't know what the Bot says anymore. Since the Bot operates on the # of words eliminated with each guess, and I operate on the letters I've found, I'm not hurt to lose it.

Oct 14, 10:29 am

'Morning, Peggy!

Congrats on Wordle in 3. Took me my usual 4. I started with a free subscription to the NYT then have continued it over the years. I did get rid of my WaPo subscription - two very expensive subscriptions was a bit much, considering that I'm in news avoidance mode recently.

Yum to the pound cake, congrats to your DH for making it.

Oct 15, 8:15 am

Oh my gosh, I was so sick I missed your birthday! Many happy returns, dear lady! *smoochiesmoochsmooch*

Oct 15, 9:34 am

'Morning, Peggy! Happy Sunday to you and yours.

All's quiet on the ... I was going to say Pittsboro front, but since you have another friend here in town, I can't... so Hwy 64 front.

Wordle in 5, yuck, but it certainly beats 6 or a skunk.

Oct 15, 10:01 am

Good morning, Karen and Richard, you dears!

I beam at kind birthday wishes when they come, Richard. I"m sorry that you've been feeling so miserable, and I'm happy that you're better!

Karen, I don't read enough of the NYT to justify my extending my subscription. I'll miss it, but I didn't really use it, and as long as I can play Wordle and take the Friday news quiz, I'm good. I like Connections too, but if they pull it, my heart won't break.

I had a 50/50 chance on Wordle in 4 today and happily chose the right word. NO SKUNKS!!!
Wordle 848 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 arose, unity, mealy, leaky

Oct 16, 9:09 am

'Morning, Peggy!

I infrequently use WordleBot, have only tried Connections a couple of times. Sometimes my brain works right for Connections sometimes it doesn't. *smile*

Wordle took me 5 today.

Oct 16, 10:08 am

Good morning, Karen! I'm all over the place with Connections. I expect I have as many skunks as I have completions. It's sort of fun to me. You're on the same streak I was last month. Not fun, but you'll come roaring back.

Wordle 849 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 arose, unity, graph I'm not sure how that happened, but I like it a lot.

Oct 16, 5:25 pm

Hi Peggy! VERY nice Wordle result, my friend. 5 for me today.

I am all over the place with Connections, too. I also admit that if I make a couple mistakes and just have no idea where I'm going wrong, I will throw in the towel rather than get officially skunked. Silly, I know, but there it is.

Oct 17, 7:01 am

'Morning, Peggy! I hope your day is a Very Good One.

>48 LizzieD: Congrats on your three. I had a very unusual result, Wordle in 2 for me today!!!

Edited: Oct 17, 11:42 pm

Good morning, Laura and Karen...... Oh, Wordle.

CONGRATULATIONS on your 2 today, Karen. In my third guess I stupidly ignored a letter I had established, or I might possibly have gotten it in 3 since I like to try that 2nd consonant. I'm happy with 4 though.
Laura, I don't keep up with Connections, so I don't mind a skunk especially since I'm usually in a hurry. i had thought that the more I played, the better I'd get, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I don't know enough about pop culture to get a lot of them although I should have twigged to the Adams Family yesterday.

Wordle 850 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 arose, unity, awful, adult

Happy Day, Y'all!

Oct 17, 11:06 am

Tuesday orisons, Peggy! I'm under the eville influence of a cold today, so feel stopped up and yucky. I would like to petition your god for a break, please...care to act on my behalf? She ignores me.


Oct 17, 4:03 pm

>51 LizzieD: I think Connections needs a bit of back-of-the-brain thinking time. So try not to rush it. I get it about half the time (I think - no stats available), although pop culture is my downfall as well.

Oct 17, 11:42 pm

>53 ffortsa: I expect you're right, Judy, and I'm happy to see you here. I can't bring myself to care much about Connections. I'm happy when I am Perfect and not surprised or sad when I am skunked.

I'm sorry that you have a cold, Richard. You are, in fact, in my prayers, but I don't think it works that way.

Off to bed!!!!!

Yesterday, 7:55 am

>54 LizzieD: Hi Peggy. Still clogged but at least not quite as drippy. I think your credit balance with her upstairs got drawn down on my behalf. *smooch* for being so generous.

Yesterday, 10:07 am

'Morning, Peggy! Happy Wednesday to you and yours.

Wordle was 5 for me today. I'm puttering around here on LT, then will do a bit of this and that before taking Louise to lunch at Longhorn Steak House in Apex. Then she wants to go to Target. I live to serve...

>54 LizzieD: You are, in fact, in my prayers, but I don't think it works that way. What? You don't use God like a supermarket? That's the first impression I took away from Bible studies at Pepperdine in 1971-1972, people asking for specific things, specific events, and I did not like that.

Yesterday, 10:32 am

>56 karenmarie: Good for you, Karen! Nope. That's Prosperity Gospel, and that's not what the relationship with God and Humans is about. Prayer is another one of those mysteries for me. I do it in gratitude and faith, but I couldn't write a paragraph about it, much less a book - although I've read them. You remind me of my aunt who took great offense at a woman going on about how her refrigerator was not working well and she prayed that it would fix itself and it did --- all that in the presence of another woman whose son was in a coma following a car crash.
You are such a good, dear friend, Karen. I'm guessing you have very little idea how much Louise loves you and is thankful for you. (Me too)

>55 richardderus: I'm glad that you're feeling better, Richard, and hope today and tomorrow are better yet! My super-feminist friend (Bobbie, Karen) always refers to the goddess, but I don't supply God with gender myownself, which is to say that God doesn't have pronouns, or I don't know them.

Wordle 851 6/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 arose, unity, leery, perky, merry, mercy Whew indeed!

Yesterday, 10:41 am

Whew! Yay for your 6. We'll take anything except a skunk with grace, right?

(Thank you for your kind words. I didn't know it was called Prosperity Gospel, will have to chat with friend Karen in Montana about it.)