YA/NA fae fantasy book set in Ireland

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YA/NA fae fantasy book set in Ireland

Oct 7, 6:31 pm

I read this book maybe in 2015/2016? I think it was around that time. It’s about this girl who lives with her best friend and works in a diner in America and then suddenly gets a call from this gallery/museum in Ireland offering her a job and accommodation. So she moves over there and the receptionist at the museum is super sweet, the owner of the gallery is a little eccentric and odd. Her apartment has a brownie in it that keeps fixing her messes before she realises he’s there. There’s also a mysterious man that follows her around and tells her to go back home? I think he’s some kind of fae as well? I can’t remember much else though!

Oct 7, 10:52 pm

Oak and Mistletoe by J.Z.N. McCauley?

Oct 8, 12:11 am

>2 MissSquish: it sounds so similar but no 😭 there’s no family involved in the book I’m thinking of, she lives by herself in Ireland

Oct 8, 3:23 am

There's some overlap with Martin Sloane by Michael Redhill, but it's a long shot.