Modern Great Britain time-shifted to medievel Earth, dystopia, sci-fi, historical fiction

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Modern Great Britain time-shifted to medievel Earth, dystopia, sci-fi, historical fiction

Oct 7, 2:28 pm

This has plagued me for years, I am so hopeful that someone else has read this!

The story's protagonist is a young man/woman living in the South of England. Nothing is explained & unfortunately I didn't finish it (library wanted it back 😕), however:

It appears that the entire island of Great Britain, at some point prior to the novel beginning (at least years, perhaps decades), found itself time-shifted or warped back to a medievel globe. That is to say, the rest of the globe was suddenly as it was at the end of the Byzantine Empire.

Our protagonist journeys to the coast periodically by bicycle & he/she (I think it was she) trades modern, technological "artifacts" (eg. Car parts, plastics etc.) for medievel wares from France (Gall) eg. pelts, livestock etc.

Britain is in a state of dystopian disrepair & there doesn't seem to be much remaining of our modern infrastructure. In the absence of oil/heavy industry to support the power grid, people seem to have reverted to being nomadic or living in small settlements/farmsteads.

There is much intrigue from the mainland Europeans, in particular this Gallic trader is very interested in our protagonist's bicycle, but Britain appears to be off limits to any visitors, barring the trading at the coast.

I cannot remember much else about the plot, except the backstory truly is a mystery to the reader. I so wish I had extended borrowed it again please help thank you I love you

Oct 7, 4:19 pm

I was all set to say this was Island in the Sea of Time until I remembered it is Nantucket that time shifts to the Bronze Age. Maybe it will help find similar titles.

Edited: Oct 9, 2:52 pm

The Break? Someone else came was looking for it in this group earlier in the year.

""It’s Wednesday March 7th, 2018—in the mainland UK. Everywhere else, it’s June 1065. No one knows what caused The Break 11 months ago, but there’s no sign of its end. England is settling into its new future as a reindustrializing concentration camp. The rest of the world is watching and waiting, curious. Jennifer thinks her family survived The Hunger because of their smuggling business—tampons and paracetamol to France, silver back to England. Little does she know what game her father was really playing, as she recrosses the Channel from an impromptu mission of her own. Little can she know how her life has already been torn apart. Who has taken Jennifer’s parents? Where are they? What is the Home Secretary up to with the Americans? Why is she so desperate to lay hands on Michael? Will Jesus Christ return to Earth above Oxford Circus? When will the “Doomsday Project” go live? Can the Byzantine Empire and the Catholic Church take on the British State, and win? All will be answered—if Jennifer can stay alive in a post-apocalyptic London."