Help! Book about a girl tricking and bullying a boy who believes in aliens.

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Help! Book about a girl tricking and bullying a boy who believes in aliens.

Oct 6, 7:19 pm

I know what the book is about, and I think I know what its cover looks like... But not the name! The cover is red, there's these black paper dolls all holding hands on it. I guess it's to represent the kids.

The book is about this girl who befriends the "weird" kid in her neighborhood. When her friends catch wind of this, they urge her to prank him. Since he believes in aliens, they all plan a horrible prank to pull on him. It's a real sad book, very bittersweet. Main girl doesn't suck completely, she just has no spine and is DUMB! And is also probably a middle schooler...

Oct 7, 4:44 am

It's probably not The Only Alien on the Planet by Kristen D. Randle but there's some overlap.

Oct 7, 4:20 pm

>1 MadamBlume: The plot doesn't sound like this, but the cover is so similar that I have to mention Firegirl.

Oct 7, 8:23 pm

>2 beyondthefourthwall: It's not, but this sounds interesting! Thanks, I'll check this out.

Oct 7, 8:23 pm

>3 RosetheReader: Also not it, but this sounds super interesting. I'll check it out regardless, love books like these.

Oct 16, 2:40 am

Thanks for the advice.