Kids fiction painting cottage girl

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Kids fiction painting cottage girl

Oct 6, 7:05 pm

Around 2018 I read a children's book in Chattanooga, Tennessee about a girl who finds a cottage in the woods with a mural of a girl who died in a fire. She entered the painting and played with the girl, they had a picnic but the girl in the painting tried to get her to stay so she ran away. I believe the the cover showed the cottage with the painting showing through the window.

Oct 8, 9:45 pm

do you remember what the cover looked like at all?

Oct 9, 2:56 am

>2 toast_and_tea: Looks like that's been answered.

Oct 10, 1:29 pm

>3 beyondthefourthwall: Sorry should have read a little more carefully :P

Oct 10, 2:13 pm

All good - I've done exactly the same thing! :)

Oct 11, 6:57 am

cottage in the woods with a mural of a girl who died in a fire goodreads

The Secret of the Painted House by Marion Dane Bauer
... mural of the woods that surround it painted on the walls inside. She finds out that the girl the house was built for died in a fire years ago but her ghost