Young Adult Fiction about a young Japanese girl potter

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Young Adult Fiction about a young Japanese girl potter

Oct 4, 1:09 am

The book is about a young Japanese girl who trains as a potter and develops a way of making tea kettles that pour without dribbling. She meets and marries a boy who is also a potter (I think!) but somewhere down the line there are misunderstandings and she has to work out a life (now with a little baby) for herself. The misunderstandings clear up finally and her husband returns to her, but through all of this, she stays true to her sense of who she is.

Yesterday, 2:55 am


Edited: Yesterday, 11:35 am

>1 Padmini56:, does it take place in Japan? Would the author likely be Japanese? There are some knowledgeable folks in the "Japanese Literature" group who might be able to help you: