Fan Boy Talks To Wind

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Fan Boy Talks To Wind

Oct 3, 1:02 pm

This is a fantasy story written at least before 2010.

The main character is a boy probably around 12 who lives on a desolate farm, unloved and possibly abused by the person he lives with. (Either his dad or uncle, I can't remember which.) As he grows up he realizes that he can hear the voice of the wind and it sometimes tells him secrets he wouldn't otherwise know. One day it tells him that his Mother (or possibly father) is still alive and that the boy will have to go looking for them. As he explores he comes to realize that his parent that left him as an infant is some kind of magical entity and that they may not have abandoned him out of disinterest or hate, but necessity. The only other things I remember is that it is a book series and that one of the books had something to do with a crystal staircase that went up into the sky and that he would finally meet his parent at the top of it.

I have tried many methods to find this series over the last 15 to 18 years, all of which have failed obviously since I am here. So I would greatly appreciate any guidance I might get to finding it at last.

Oct 3, 6:12 pm

The Tales of Gom in the Legends of Ulm? The third book is called The Crystal Stair and apparently there's a missing wizard mother.

Oct 14, 12:19 am

>2 keachachu: Thank you so very much. I am 90% sure this is exactly the series I have spent the last 20ish years looking for. I am going to purchase and read it first and if it is I will come back to confirm or deny it at that point. If it is I am eternally grateful as I have long since wanted to finish this series, but my memory is terrible when it comes to names and titles and my descriptions on google, bing and other search engines just kept leading in circles...