adding books

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adding books

Oct 3, 2:45 am

Hello! I'm new to LibraryThing and libraries in general. I'm currently in the process of organizing our school library, which has been quite a journey. I was wondering, what's the best way to add multiple copies of a book? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Edited: Oct 3, 2:59 am

If you want to be able to use LT to sign the books out individually, you need to enter each copy individually, with some way of telling which copy is which. Some people use c.1 ... in the title, others use the bar code feature. (Adding an extra bar code to each book, not the ISBN.)

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Oct 3, 10:33 am

On the other hand, if you're using the catalog for inventory but not circulation, there is a "Number of copies" field in each book record, which can be used to indicate that info for identical copies of a single book.

Oct 3, 12:23 pm

Thank you